Engineering for Life has awarded seed-corn funding for 30 research projects,
aimed at achieving our vision of enhancing people�s lives.
Summaries of a selection of our projects can be accessed by clicking on the links below. A further 7 projects have been funded in the academic year 2011-12. Further information in relation to these new projects is available here.


Artificial living leaves

Arty Sciency Sporty Art

Autism, barriers to social engagement and interventions

Controlled release from open wound dressings (CROWD)

Engaging coping strategies for enhanced use of assistive technology


Hydro-delivery for the back

Improving materials properties using modified flax and innovative design

Influence of genetic variation in dopamine signaling on sustainability of lifestyle interventions

Intelligent mobile intermittent compression cuff

Joints for life

Paddling the dragon


Second lives for the third age

Support, positioning and organ registration during breast cancer radiation therapy

Sustainable hydroponics

Touching light: seeing sound: supplementing sensory feedback

Using mobile technology in tackling maternal obesity

Visualising the interaction of proteins in biological membranes for diagnosis of diseases

Waste from the steel industry: a new source of phosphate fertilizer?

What if..? Understanding the complexity of sustainability through social play