


Notifications have now gone out on all abstracts submitted to the conference. If you have not received yours, please contact

If there is any brief feedback on your abstract, we will send it to you in the next few days; please bear with us.

Please go to the Full Papers page for information on how to submit your full paper if your abstract was accepted.

Posters and Exhibition proposals

Poster and exhibition submissions will now be assessed by the committee. Notifications, further information and a poster template for successful applicants will be sent out in due course – please check back here for details.

The Call for Papers for Design4Health2015 is available here: D4H15_Call

Online submission is at:

Design4Health2015: Synergies of Practice

key themes


Design encompasses a wide range of methodologies of practice and of research. Papers exploring the synergies of design and health methods are encouraged.


Design has strengths around envisaging both problems and solutions to help all stakeholders explore the world of health in new and exciting ways. Papers exploring innovative methods and case studies are encouraged.


The disciplines of design and health have different ways of both doing and defining ‘measurement’. Papers exploring the differences and opportunities around this area are encouraged.

areas of interest

  • Participatory approaches to design and research
  • Trans disciplinary working
  • Opportunities and barriers to innovation
  • Current and future landscapes in design4health

submission formats

This year, we have introduced some new elements to the conference and invited submissions in the following forms:

  • Abstract submissions: abstracts that address the conference themes, followed by short full papers before the conference
  • Poster proposals:  visually engaging poster describing research that address the conference themes
  • Exhibition proposals: creative responses to healthcare issues from across the art and design disciplines.

conference deadlines

Online submission opens:                          Mon 3 Nov 2014

Paper abstract deadline extended:                    Wed 14 Jan 2015 23:59 (GMT)

Submissions accepted:                                w/c 26 Jan 2015

Poster & exhibition proposal deadline:                Fri 20 Feb 2015 23:59 (GMT)

Full paper deadline:                                      Sun 8 Mar 23:59 (GMT)

Delegate registration opens:                    Mon 13 April 2015

Delegate registration closes:                    Mon 22 June 2015

Conference opens:                                       Mon 13 July 2015


For announcements and news about D4H2015, please sign up to our email list at 

  • Submit to D4H2024!

    Read the submission info and stylesheet?

    When you have prepared your extended abstract or poster proposal, click here to submit:


  • Lab4Living, Sheffield Hallam University
    The White Building
    Fitzalan Square Sheffield S1 2AZ
    Phone (+44)114 225 3143