Design4Health seeks to explore the relationship between design, and health and wellbeing. Good design can deliver widespread benefits to society but how can design practice and processes meet the challenges of health and wellbeing in the 21st Century? We aim to develop environments and propose creative strategies for future living in which people of all ages and abilities ‘not merely survive’ but are enabled and empowered to live with dignity, independence and fulfillment.
The conference provides a platform for dialogue between designers, creative practitioners, healthcare professionals and industries, funding bodies, researchers and users. The conference features an exhibition of innovative health related product and service solutions, and creative responses to health and wellbeing issues, plus special sessions and workshops.. This year’s themes and areas of interest are described below.
design4health: invention, adoption and diffusion
The conference will explore creative approaches and perspectives to enhance understanding, experience and improve efficiency of health and wellbeing services and products.
Implementation and sustainability
Opportunities and barriers to innovation. Understanding the process of invention, adoption and diffusion
Usability and Acceptability
Impact of product and new service interventions on patients and carers in terms of safety and quality of life
Evaluating effectiveness and value of new products, systems and services on the health community (including patients, clinicians and policy makes)
Areas of interest include:
- Interdisciplinary working
- Research methods
- Co-design
- Open design
- Patient participation
- Identity and dignity
- Self-care and management
- Chronic/long term conditions
- Procurement and regulatory restrictions
- Patient safety
- Evidence based design
- Raising public awareness and changing perceptions
Join the conference mailing list to receive information about submitting a paper and attending the conference. You can also download the FINAL Call for Papers D4H2013 or go to the Submissions page for more details.
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