2024 style guide

The style guide is based on that used by the journal Design For Health. It is explained below or you can download the pdf version.

o Your abstract should describe the context of the research, questions addressed, how the research has been developed (including methods and findings), discussion and conclusions.

o Abstracts (not posters) will be double blind reviewed; IMPORTANT: please do not include your name or affiliation or any other identifying information in the abstract.

o The language of the conference is English and all submissions should be in English.

o Spelling should follow English not American style, but with ‘ize’ for words such as organise, (not for words which keep ‘ise’ such as ‘advertise’).

o References should use the Chicago author-date system of referencing (see below for examples). References, if included, are part of the overall word count of 1200 words. Only list references cited within your abstract.

o The following unnumbered heading styles may be used:

  • Level 1 heading – Bold Initial Caps
  • Level 2 heading – Bold Italic Initial Caps
  • Level 3 heading – Non-bold Italic Initial Caps
  • Level 4 heading – Non-bold Italic Initial Cap. Text runs on. All ranged left, numbers should not be included, no indent below.

o Single quotes should be used, with double quotes for quotes within quotes.

o Numbers should be written in words for one to ten (e.g. ‘ten’) and in figures over ten (e.g. ‘12’).

o Foot notes may be used.

o Tables. Tables should present new information rather than duplicating what is in the text. Readers should be able to interpret the table without reference to the text.

o Up to 6 figures may be included within your abstract. Please ensure that you have permission to use the images, and that all figures are numbered 1-6 and captioned.


We use the Chicago author-date system of referencing, using this guidance from Taylor & Francis. References are listed by author surname and then date. References, if included, are part of the overall word count of 1200 words. Only list references cited within your abstract, and ma

Here are some common examples:

Journal articles

Backonja, U., L. Taylor-Swanson, A. D. Miller, S.-H. Jung, S. Haldar, and N. F. Woods. 2021. “There’s a Problem, Now What’s the Solution?’: Suggestions for Technologies to Support the Menopausal Transition from Individuals Experiencing Menopause and Healthcare Practitioners.” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 28 (2): 209–221. https://doi.org/10.1093/jamia/ocaa178

Godfrey-Isaacs, Laura. 2021. “Maternal Journal: Creative Journaling to Support Mental Health and Wellbeing.” International Journal of Birth & Parent Education 8 (4): 5–8.

Kumar, A., P. Khattar, V. K. Tiwari, J. P. Shivdasani, N. Dhar, and D. Nandan. 2009. “An Assessment of Functioning of Mobile Medical Units in Jharkhand.” Indian Journal of Public Health 53 (3): 157–160. 

Wurtz, Heather M., Sarah S. Willen, and Katherine A. Mason. 2022. “Introduction: Journaling and Mental Health during COVID-19: Insights from the Pandemic Journaling Project.” SSM-Mental Health 2: 100141. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmmh.2022.100141


Langley, A., and H. Tsoukas. 2016. The Sage Handbook of Process Organization Studies. London: SAGE Publications.


United Kingdom Parliament. 2022. “Menopause and the Workplace: First Report of Session 2022–23.” (House of Commons, Women and Equalities Committee 91). U. K. Parliament  https://committees.parliament.uk/publications/23281/documents/169819/default/.

Citation examples

Some examples of how to cite a reference in your test. N.b. there is no comma before the year of publication.

“Langley and Tsoukas (2016) call this a ‘configuration study’ that focuses on mapping the flow of events….”

“While this work adopts a practice-based research approach, it complements other research on pandemic journaling (Wurtz, Willen, and Mason 2022) and maternal journaling (Godfrey-Isaacs 2021).”

If a page number is included, it should follow a comma after the year of publication:

“In the UK, women of menopausal age are the fastest growing group in the workforce (United Kingdom Parliament 2022, 3).”

If quoting more than 3 authors, use ‘et al.’

“The concept of Mobile Medical Units has also been found to be very successful in providing health services to the poor and underserved areas of India (Kumar et al. 2009).”

With thanks to the following articles published recently in Design For Health for the above examples:

Wilke van Beest, Wouter P. C. Boon, Daan Andriessen, Marieke Zielhuis, Gerrita van der Veen and Ellen H. M. Moors (2023) how to involve potential users in eHealth innovation: seven stratagies from healthcare and design, Design for Health, DOI: 10.1080/24735132.2023.2266163

Sally Sutherland (2023) Motherhood, COVID-19, and the postgraduate research experience: personal practice-based design insights, Design for Health, DOI: 10.1080/24735132.2023.2272470

Katherine Moline & Teena Clerke (2023) Design research for menopause: a scoping review, Design for Health, DOI: 10.1080/24735132.2023.2265714

Md Haseen Akhtar & Janakarajan Ramkumar (2023) A design-led PhD endeavour through covid: be empathetic to be creative – see. Feel. Act!, Design for Health, DOI: 10.1080/24735132.2023.2266940

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    Fitzalan Square Sheffield S1 2AZ
    Phone (+44)114 225 3143