Whatever the reason, you may need to draw on a variety of strategies to locate research that you think might be relevant. You are also likely to have to make choices about which research to follow up and which to ignore.

You may find the range of resources available overwhelming and it may be hard to find anything that feels relevant. It can also be difficult to decide which sources of research are ‘credible’.

“I feel like there must be lots of fulfilling things where items jump from the research to a note of the research to someone’s to-do list to engage with it going in to your practice […] But there also must be lots of lost in translation moments”

Lo Tierney used quotes from teachers about their experiences with research to create these images. You can use them to prompt reflections on your own encounters.

Some notes and questions about accessing research from different sources

Some notes and questions about identifying research to inform your thinking

Some notes and questions about engaging with research in diverse formats

An introduction to the different kinds of academic research publications and the different sources of academic research

Get into conversation with different viewpoints: A selection of quotes from primary teachers about their encounters and challenges with research