Engaging with research often involves a dance between relevance, resonance and ‘truth’.

• Is the research relevant to you as a teacher?

• Does it resonate with your beliefs and experience?

• Is this research representing ‘truths’ which are credible?

• What are the implications of this research for me/my school?

Lo Tierney used quotes from teachers about their experiences with research to create these images

“I’m a big Twitter user and I think that’s where I get to learn about what research has come up.  Somebody will post it.  I follow a lot of authors and book people and they will post certain articles […] I’m sat in the library and that is why I’m looking around, I see books. The Teresa Cremin research, what is useful for that, it’s teachers doing like mini research projects, not official, but they upload them to the site.”  

Some notes and questions about different motivations for engaging with research

Some notes and questions for exploring the complexities and insights of research claims

A brief introduction to the information included in academic research publications and to the different kinds of academic research

Get into conversation with different viewpoints: A selection of quotes from primary teachers about their encounters and challenges with research