These resources are aimed at teachers but they may also be useful to teachers and leaders in schools as well as trainees and teacher educators. They seek to support teachers’ engagement with research as well as invite conversations, reflections and questions about teachers’ experiences of research.
The resources are spread across four different sections. However, there are several overlaps among these categories:
You can use the resources separately or together based on your different contexts, interests and priorities.
For example, you might:
- Play Research Exchange! the research questions game during a research workshop
- Use the four Research Mobilities images (created by Lo Tierney) as the stimulus for a staff discussion about the challenges and opportunities of engaging in research
- Listen to the Research Conversations podcast episodes or choose sections of episode transcripts to consider the different perspectives of teachers and researchers when it comes to accessing research
- Use participants’ quotes from Teacher Perspectives to prompt critical reflections on a range of viewpoints about research encounters and absences
- Extract individual resources (e.g. podcast episodes, guides, quotes, the glossary) and embed them within modules, publications, presentations or other materials
All resources are free to use as long as you credit them to the Research Mobilities project using the following text:
This resource was produced through the Research Mobilities in Primary Literacy Education project. You can find more resources and information by visiting