General Chair of conference organising committee
Engineering Design Principal Research Fellow
Art & Design Research Centre
Phone: 0114 225 6754
Fax: 0114 225 6931
My primary interests through Lab4living are generally threefold.
Firstly, the understanding of how people access and use products, using technologies such as computational simulation, analytical analysis, force sensors and motion capture, along with other techniques such as video ethnography and qualitative interviews to analyse and understand this issue.
The second strand is how this work can inform design thinking and conversely how design thinking can inform this work. As an engineer there’s a lot to learn from the design community about what and how we generate our knowledge and data, and how it can be constructively used.
Finally, I’m interested in the application of numerical models and mathematical techniques to the solution of everyday problems. An example of this is developing research into the use of uncertainty principles to understand pain and discomfort.