Having almost 40 years’ experience working in the criminal justice system, Fraser has practised, written, taught and trained at local, national and international level in the areas of policing law and governance. He is the founding author of the Blackstone’s Police Manuals published by Oxford University Press which became the vade mecum of police officers across England & Wales and has written and edited many other texts used by law enforcement agencies in the UK and beyond. While in the position of national chair of the Association of Police and Crime Chief Executives he worked with colleagues in central government drafting legislation for the introduction of police and crime commissioners, subsequently being appointed as CEO to the Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire and to the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner in North Yorkshire. As a practising solicitor Fraser has represented police officers, staff associations and employers in significant cases such as the Bichard Inquiry, has provided evidence to the Committee on Standards in Public Life, Lord Stevens’ Independent Review of Policing and is regularly consulted on matters of policing law. Fraser is a Senior Fellow of the Weinstein JAMS International Fellowship for dispute resolution and a CEDR qualified mediator.
Having been a visiting research fellow at the University of Leeds School of Law and the University of Glamorgan, and an associate of the Scottish Institute for Policing Research, Fraser was awarded an Honorary Professorship by the University in 2018. He is a member of the Advisory Board of CENTRIC and he has represented the Centre at various practitioner-led conferences, workshops and symposiums nationally and internationally.