- Title: Community Policing – A European Perspective: Strategies, Best Practices and Guidelines
- Editors: P. Saskia Bayerl, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Rusa Karlovic, Police Academy Zagreb, Croatia; Babak Akhgar, CENTRIC; and Garik Markarian, Lancaster University.
- Publisher: Springer International Publishing
- ISBN: 978-3319533957
- Webpage: http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319533957
- Date of Publication: 12 Jun 2017
This book provides a view into the multi-dimensional and multi-contextual nature of community policing. It brings together important conceptual discussions as well as numerous case studies and real-life examples of European community policing practices. It further offers insights into how the (primarily locally focused) concept of community policing fits into an increasingly interconnected world. Our book is intended for professionals working in community policing, academics and policymakers developing community policing procedures. In addition, the book aims to provide information for readers who are new to the subject of community policing. The wide range of examples and case studies make it also an excellent resource for teaching materials.