The illegal Use of the iNternet In Fighting Cyber Crime (UINFC2), is a two-year European Commission, Directorate General Home Affairs funded project led by the Centre for Security Studies (KEMEA). The strategic objectives of UNIFC2 are:
To build and strengthen the capabilities of Law Enforcement Agencies, citizens and EU bodies in order to strategically combat cybercrime
To assist Law Enforcement Agencies in automatically detecting online illegal data from social media, blogs, underground communities and to determine investigative priorities
To introduce the latest achievements of ICT in data mining, intelligence, correlation, fuzziness, classification, automatic monitoring, decision making, report producing in compacting cybercrime
To facilitate the formal exchange of compiled information, produced by intelligent analysis of online information, amongst Law Enforcement Agencies and EU bodies in order to enhance collaboration and effectively counteract cybercrime
To strengthen the mission of the recently founded European Cybercrime Centre against only crimes, by producing strategic reports on cybercrime trends and emerging threats in order to provide comparable statistics among Member States
The project promises to design, build and pilot study a multi-lingual software platform that supports Law Enforcements Agencies in combating cybercrime through four primary methods;
Providing intelligent analysis of the collected and maintained data regarding cybercrime events at EU level.
Performing automated monitoring and inspection of online content in social media, blogs, underground communities,
Producing automatic decision on cyber crimes or formal reports that give guidelines and evidences to Law Enforcement Agencies in preventing , investigating and fighting cybercrime
Exploiting the databases retained by hot lines and Law Enforcement Agencies and enabling users to report online cybercrime events.
CENTRIC will support KEMEA providing academic and end-user expertise who are joined by world class partners including the University of Piraeus Research Centre, Cyprus Safer Internet Centre (CNTI), Advanced Integrated Technology Solutions and Services (ADITESS) and Mezza, a leading provider of innovative software and web solutions.