Good practice for dialogue and communication as strategic principles for policing political manifestations in Europe (GODIAC).

Godiac is a European Commission grant funded research project aimed at establishing a pan-European approach for policing manifestations through dialogue, communication and transparency. The aim of project Godiac is to create a common approach for policing demonstrations. To support the effective co-ordination and delivery of the project, CENTRIC independently evaluated the projects’ progress, performing an important project management role. Recognizing the many different cultures and working practices of the police across European Union Member States, Godiac acknowledged the importance of adaptable approaches to be used in different settings. To tackle these operational challenges, Godiac is led by the Swedish National Police Board whose Special Police Tactics sections have been a source of inspiration for the progression of the project.  The Swedish National Police Board are joined in the consortium by twenty organisations participating in the project from twelve Member States. Most of the consortium organisations are end-user police authorities but Godiac is very much strengthened by the research institutes and representatives from other parts of society who have a key role to inform a new approach to policing demonstrations. To learn more about the Godiac project visit: http://www.polisen.se/en/Languages/The-Swedish-Police/International-cooperation/Cooperation-in-Europe/The-Godiac-Project/