early Pursuit against Organised crime using envirOnmental scanning, the Law and IntelligenCE systems

The ePOOLICE project is funded under European Commission 7th Framework Programme security themed research (Topic SEC-2012.6.3-1) designed to meet the requirement of “Developing an efficient and effective environmental scanning system as part of the early warning system for the detection of emerging organised crime threats”. From 2013-2016, the three year research project shall;

“¢ Identify end-user needs and requirements by sharing tools and processes used in assessing emerging organised crime threats
“¢ Develop an efficient and effective environmental scanning system as part of an early warning system, defining processes for the identification and prioritisation of indicators
“¢ Develop dynamic scenarios based on end-user needs and requirements to validate real-world performance
“¢ Evaluate trends and factors driving “future crime” in order to identify potential “weak signals” in emerging organised crime trends.

Central to the ePOOLICE solution is the development of a system for the scanning and analysis of a stream of information from all relevant sources, including open source, police sources and public and government databases. The system will be capable of effectively analysing a diverserange of sources, taking into account the expected reliability of the source, compatibility of information, traceability of the source and supporting a common, unified data model for the “weak signals” from the environmental scanning.

The ePOOLICE project is coordinated by Isdefe (Spain) who lead a strong consortium of organisations working within the organised crime domain across European Union Member States including: CENTRIC (UK), West Yorkshire Police (UK), Legind Technologies (Denmark), Inthemis (France), SAS (UK), CEA (France), Fraunhofer (Germany), Thales (Netherlands), United Nations Interregional Crime & Justice Research Institute (Italy), Macedonia Ministry of Interior (Macedonia), Guardia Civil (Spain), Universidad de Granada (Spain), Aalborg University (Denmark), Study Department of Bavarian Police, (Germany) EUROPOL (Netherlands), Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies (Denmark).