News Archive

From MMVLWiki

Table of contents [hide]

1.1 RISE 2010 conference
1.2 Rubyconf 2009 presentation video
1.3 Robobuilder programming
1.4 HornetsEye-0.32 released
1.5 Closed-loop control in a TEM
1.6 Telemanipulation proof-of-concept
1.7 New article in 'Security Europe'
1.8 VISA rules changing in March 2009
1.9 QtRuby4-Windows-Installer for Qt-4.3.4 released
1.10 AVA 2008 meeting in Bristol
1.11 DAAD/ARC visit
1.12 CARR founded
1.13 HornetsEye repository on Launchpad
1.14 Article about the GUARDIANS project in Professional Engineering
1.15 IEEE Advances in Cybernetic Systems 2008
1.16 Presentation at OSCON2008
1.17 Presentation at ICIA2008
1.18 Interactive Presentation Software
1.19 Khepera III interface
1.20 RANdom SAmple Consensus
1.21 Talk at BMVA meeting
1.22 EU FP7 project REPLICATOR has started
1.23 Modelling Research Centre Seminar
1.24 KMando now supports firewire digital cameras
1.25 Publication at ICSPC07
1.26 Sheffield Hallam University subscribing to IEEE Xplore
1.27 Robot automation demo for MERI science day
1.28 In Situ Nanomanipulation Workshop and Open Day
1.29 Microgripper
1.30 London Science Museum exhibit
1.31 Sheffield Hallam University launching Digital Commons Repository
1.32 Modular wireless robots
1.33 Panorama Viewer
1.34 MMVLWiki now on a Dell Poweredge SC440
1.35 Interactive camera projector system

1.36 HornetsEye-0.10 released
1.37 Mimas-2.1 released
1.38 Computer vision methods for optical microscopes
1.39 YSTN Science Showcase
1.40 Interactive camera projector system
1.41 British Life and Culture Module
1.42 Machine vision paper at IMVIP2006
1.43 Student paper prize won by Amir Othman
1.44 IEEE AICS2006 Keynote
1.45 IEEE AICS2006 conference Wiki
1.46 Student presentations

1.47 Mimas on
1.48 MMVL presents at DISC
1.49 MiCRoN final public report released
1.50 Mimas-2.0 released
1.51 IEEE Advances in Cybernetic Systems 2006

News Archive

RISE 2010 conference

20th-21th January 2010: The 2010 conference on Risky Intervention and Surveillance /Maintenance of the Environment (RISE) is taking place at Sheffield Hallam University (Owen 1028). More... (

Rubyconf 2009 presentation video

20th January 2010: Confreaks ( made a video of the Rubyconf 2009 presentation about HornetsEye. More... (

Robobuilder programming

4th October 2009: A new fun project is about writing a Ruby-extension to control a Robobuilder Huno. The aim is to prototype robotic applications involving machine vision. More...

HornetsEye-0.32 released

8th August 2009: A new version of the HornetsEye computer vision library was released. The core of the library was rewritten and it features a much more versatile type system, extended element selectors, array views, and tensor operations. Maps, warps, and masks now work on single elements as well as sub-arrays. A conversion to OpenCV::CvMat and back was implemented. Furthermore a GNUplot example was added. More...

Closed-loop control in a TEM

26th June 2009: A software demonstrating vision-based closed-loop control in a TEM was tested today. In the end we succeeded to demonstrate vision-based closed-loop control. More...

Telemanipulation proof-of-concept

30th April 2009: A prototype software for telemanipulation in a TEM was tested successfully. More...

New article in 'Security Europe'

3rd February 2009: Article on the Guardians and Viewfinder projects. More... (

VISA rules changing in March 2009

4th February 2009: If your visa expires before 30 June 2009, you should read this information. In March 2009, the rules for student visa extensions are changing. More... (

QtRuby4-Windows-Installer for Qt-4.3.4 released

28th January 2008: A new version of the Qt4-QtRuby installer for Microsoft Windows was released. More...

AVA 2008 meeting in Bristol

19th December 2008: HornetsEye is being presented at the AVA 2008 meeting ( in Bristol. More...

DAAD/ARC visit

3rd December 2008: Christian Dahmen ( and Tim Wortmann ( from the AMIR ( institute of Oldenburg University visited us in context of a ARC/DAAD-funded cooperation.

CARR founded

21st December 2009: CENRA acronym has been changed to CARR, i.e. Centre for Automation and Robotics Research after deliberation with other organisations within Yorkshire region. The formal opening of the centre has been announced for the 22 Jan 2010.

17th November 2008: Jacques Penders was appointed as the head of the newly founded Centre for Robotics and Automation (CENRA (

Update: The Microsystems & Machine Vision Laboratory was renamed to Mobile Machines and Vision Laboratory.

HornetsEye repository on Launchpad

22nd October 2008: The Bazaar ( of HornetsEye now can be accessed at ( This significantly reduces the barrier to participation. More... (

Article about the GUARDIANS project in Professional Engineering

3rd September 2008: Article about the GUARDIANS robots in Professional Engineering - 03/09/08, Vol 21, Number 15, p.35.

IEEE Advances in Cybernetic Systems 2008

9th-10th September 2008: This year's CIS ( is taking place at Middlesex University in London. Several current and former members of the MMVL are participating.

Presentation at OSCON2008

23rd July 2008: The Ruby-extension HornetsEye is being presented at the OSCON 2008 ( conference. Here you can download the presentation slides (10 MByte PDF) ( More...

Presentation at ICIA2008

22nd June 2008: The Ruby-extension HornetsEye was presented at the ICIA 2008 ( conference. The Lucas-Kanade tracker was used to demonstrate the current capabilities of the vision library. You can download the publication about a machine vision extension for the Ruby programming language ( (also see foils (2.1 MByte PDF) ( More...

Interactive Presentation Software

12th June 2008: An interactive presentation software was developed to demonstrate the capabilities of the new release of the HornetsEye system. More...

Khepera III interface

23rd May 2008: Carlos Raga Camilleri presented his project where he developed an interface for the popular Khepera III robot.

RANdom SAmple Consensus

15th May 2008: Sonia Fernández Rodríguez presented her project about real-time 2-D rigid object-recognition with RANSAC. More...

Talk at BMVA meeting

14th May 2008: Bala Amavasai is going to give a talk about Machine Vision for macro, micro and nano robot environments at the BMVA meeting about Vision and Robotics ( More...

EU FP7 project REPLICATOR has started

1st Mar 2008: The EU FP7 project REPLICATOR has started.

Modelling Research Centre Seminar

29th Feb 2008: The Nanorobotics project and the HornetsEye library were presented in the Modelling Research Centre Seminar "Machine vision and device integration with the Ruby Programming Language (".

KMando now supports firewire digital cameras

7th Feb 2008: The interactive camera-projector system now has built-in support for firewire digital cameras. More...

Publication at ICSPC07

Nov 2007: A paper about an attempt to create fully steerable patterns with the dual-tree complex wavelet transform was presented at the ICSPC07. More ...

Sheffield Hallam University subscribing to IEEE Xplore

Oct 2007: Sheffield Hallam University has subscribed to IEEE Xplore ( Especially the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence ( are useful for the MMVL. IEEE Xplore can be accessed using LitSearch. More ... (

Robot automation demo for MERI science day

Jun 2007: To apply computer vision one needs to demonstrate feedback and control using real devices. A demonstration involving an industrial robot was put together just in time for the MERI science day. Have a look at the robot automation demo for more information.

In Situ Nanomanipulation Workshop and Open Day

25th Jun 2007: In context of the Nanorobotics project there is a workshop on nano-manipulation at Sheffield University ( in Mappin Hall.


12th Jun 2007: Julien Demarest finished development of a piezo-driven micromanipulator and handed in his report ( You can find more information on the micromanipulator here.

London Science Museum exhibit

14th May 2007: The Guardians and Viewfinder project are featured in the Science Museum in London ( More ... (

Sheffield Hallam University launching Digital Commons Repository

May 2007: Librarians and publishers are working on a new global scheme for allowing scientific institutions to give public access to their scientific publications! Sheffield Hallam University is contributing to this effort. Have a look at the new Sheffield Hallam University's research archive ( You can search for information about your publishers commitment at (

Modular wireless robots

1st May 2007: Jose Luis Gomez Esteve gave his final-year project presentation about modular wireless robots ( There are also some videos  (

Panorama Viewer

18th Apr 2007: Daniel Martin Marin handed in his report on the panorama viewer ( he developed at the MMVL.

MMVLWiki now on a Dell Poweredge SC440

16th Apr 2007: Our Mediawiki ( now is hosted on a new Dell Poweredge SC440.

Interactive camera projector system

2nd Feb 2007: Juan Roldan handed in his report Mimas calibrated camera-projector system for finger tracking ( See here for more information ...


27th Mar 2007: The kde-apps page of kmando ( was submitted to and made it to the front-page!

HornetsEye-0.10 released

1st Feb 2007: HornetsEye-0.10 was released. HornetsEye is a Ruby-extension for video-I/O and computer vision.

Mimas-2.1 released

30th Oct 2006: Mimas Toolkit version 2.1 released.

Computer vision methods for optical microscopes

17th Oct 2006: The article Computer vision methods for optical microscopes ( is available online. It will be printed in a future issue of Image and Vision Computing (

YSTN Science Showcase

12th Oct 2006: Roger Eccleston gives a lecture with the title To see the world in a Grain of Sand. Earlier there will be a demonstration of the Interactive Camera-Projector System and a multimedia presentation on different Projects by the MMVL. See ( for more details.

Interactive camera projector system

26th Sep 2006: Ushakiran Soutapalli handed in her report on Design and Implementation of Human Interface with Computer System Using a Camera Projector ( See here for more information ...

British Life and Culture Module

Our ERASMUS students in particular may be interested in the British Life and Culture Module ( The introductory meeting will be held on Wednesday 4 October 2006 at 2pm in room 3213, Eric Mensforth Building.

Machine vision paper at IMVIP2006

A paper about the computer vision for microscopes was presented at the IMVIP2006 ( in Dublin. You can download the full IMVIP2006 proceedings ( (mirror ( or just our publication about Object Recognition and Real-Time Tracking in Microscope Imaging ( and the presentation (

See here for more information ...

Student paper prize won by Amir Othman

Amir Othman has won the prize for the best student paper ( at AICS2006.

IEEE AICS2006 Keynote

The keynote of the IEEE Advances in Cybernetic Systems 2006 ( is held by Huosheng Hu ( and it is about the Essex Robotic Fish ( (see video at Google ( The keynote is an open session and thus free to attend by everyone from the University.

Time:4.30 - 5.30 p.m., Thursday 7 Sept 2006
Location:Peak Lecture Theatre, Owen Building

IEEE AICS2006 conference Wiki

Conference members of the IEEE Advances in Cybernetic Systems 2006 ( can exchange information (travel, accomodation, sightseeing, ...) at the IEEE AICS2006 Wiki (

Student presentations

A number of presentations by ERASMUS students was given recently. If you're interested in available student projects have a look here.

Wireless robot platform

4th Jul 2006: Cristina Manero Rodriguez gave a presentation on a Wireless robot platform using the Jennic ZigBee Device.

Camera calibration and 3D laser scanning presentation

30th Jun 2006: A software for camera calibration, laser-calibration and 3D reconstruction using a custom-build low-cost laser-scanning platform was developed and demonstrated by Julien Faucher.

Interactive camera-projector system

23rd Jun 2006: An interactive camera-projector system for X11, GNU/Linux was developed and demonstrated by Juan Roldan.

Investigation on micro-manipulators

23rd Jun 2006: Julien Lacheray gave a presentation on his 6 weeks project Design and development of a gripper for micromanipulation.

Mimas on

1st Jun 2006: The Mimas project page ( at ( was set up today.

MMVL presents at DISC

16th May 2006: The MMVL participated in the Digital Industrial and Scientific Convergence ( conference.

MiCRoN final public report released

23rd Mar 2006: The public final report of the MiCRoN-project was released. You can download it here ( (or here ( The MiCRoN project has also appeared on (!

Mimas-2.0 released

15th Mar 2006: Mimas Toolkit version 2.0 released.

IEEE Advances in Cybernetic Systems 2006

Sheffield Hallam University ( is hosting the 2006 IEEE Conference on Advances in Cybernetic Systems (

See Also

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