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Demonstration of the system (10 MByte video (
Demonstration of the system (10 MByte video (
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The Bright project

Project overview

Bright (standing for Bright Reconstruction with light) is a project of low-price 3-D scanner, with a simple camera (a webcam) and a laser line. A rotating platform is used to rotate the object and thus to do a scan of the full shape of the object.

This page presents the project, and offers to download some instructions to build your own 3-D scanner. You can download the software and compile it to use it out-of-the-box, or you can use it as a start point for your own project of 3-D scanner. There is some documentation of the software if you just want to use it without looking at the maths behind.

The scientific report is also avalaible to get a better understanding of the algorithms and the technologies used by the software.

The project is Open Source and distributed under the GPl licence.

Camera calibration

The main part of the project was actually to calibrate the camera. The camera calibration software is now included in the MIMAS open-source Machine Vision library, and can be used to calibrate your camera if you don't have any other program to do it.

You can get more information about the calibration in the dedicated page.


Here are some example of applications

  • computer vision : 3-D tracking
  • medicine : 3-D scan of a body
  • entertainment : 3-D model creation for video games
  • art conservation : keep a digital copy of an art work


Here are the files you may want to download (project report, source code, etc...)


  • Scientific Project report (
  • User documentation (PDF) ( or (ODT) (

Source code


  • Chessboard pattern ( to calibrate the camera and the rotative platform
  • Demonstration video ( (10 MB)


  • Full scan of a coca-cola ( can sculpture (cloud of points to plot with gnuplot ( for instance)
  • Fast scan of a bottle (



cd /tmp
tar xjf mimas-2.1unofficial4.tar.bz2
cd mimas-2.1
./configure  # (everything except gstreamer input works)
sudo make install
cd /tmp
cd libserial-0.5.0
sudo make install
cd $HOME
tar xzf bright-1.0.2.tar.gz
cd bright-1.0.2

Contributors to the project

Julien Faucher : faucherj -AT- gmail -DOT- com

  • Architecture design
  • C++ code developement
  • Documentation

Manuel Boissenin : manuel.boissenin -AT- gmail -DOT- com

  • Project supervision

Kim Chuan Lim

  • Platform design and control for both the laser and the platform

Jan Wedekind (, Arul Nirai Selvan, Bala Amavasai

  • Other support

See Also

External links

  • The COPOS project ( (Similar project in French)
  • Milk scanner (
  • Leica T-Scan (

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