Free access to Energy Sparks for selected Sheffield schools – helping your school save energy

Energy Sparks is a charity that offers a unique school-specific energy management tool and education programme. Using a school’s electricity, gas and solar data, Energy Sparks shows pupils and staff how much energy the school is using each day. The online tool presents bespoke analysis of the energy data with suggestions of actions the school community could take to save energy and reduce the school’s carbon emissions. 

Energy Sparks can currently offer its services free of charge for one year to Sheffield schools that meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • >30% free school meals or
  • >20% SEN or
  • (>22%) English as an additional language pupils

The funded offer includes access to the Energy Sparks energy management tool and education resources, weekly emailed energy use alerts, webinar training for staff on school energy management and using Energy Sparks with your pupils, email support, and a half-day in-school education workshop. 

Schools that don’t meet the above criteria can join Energy Sparks for £545 + VAT per year.

Find out more
Watch the introductory video to learn more about what Energy Sparks offers schools. Or book a demo session at

Example dashboards

Take a look at the dashboards for some of the participating schools to understand how Energy Sparks can help you take control of your energy use and involve the whole school community in carbon reduction.

Example adult dashboard
Example pupil dashboard

Explore case studies that showcase some of the ways that Energy Sparks schools have saved energy and improved their pupils’ energy and climate literacy.

The average Energy Sparks primary saved at least £3,000 off their energy bill over the 2022/2023 school year and 12.8 tonnes of carbon dioxide, the average secondary saved at least £12,000 and 48 tonnes of CO2. 

Join a demo or register your interest at