CASE STUDY: How our scanning technology is helping businesses get ahead

High quality digital anatomical models are used in a wide range of disciplines, including medicine, archaeology, zoology, sport, and art and design. Using 3D surface imaging technology at the Sheffield Multimodal Imaging Centre (SMIC), Sheffield Hallam researchers have developed detailed digital models for education, research, prototyping and product development.

From dentistry to design

The Sheffield Hallam Sports Engineering Research Group (SERG) has a history of delivering scanning services in the creation of detailed human and veterinary anatomical headform models. These have been used by a wide range of businesses and are always tailored to the end user’s needs.

Examples include the creation of a digital model of a human skull for use in a dental school, and model headforms for research with a speech and language therapy unit. They also worked with an artisan jeweller on a solid silver cat skull, creating a geometric model for use in the casting process.

A selection of digital anatomical headform models

Testing Cardiovascular devices

SMIC’s scanning equipment has also been used by cardiovascular researchers, who needed models of commercially available cardiovascular devices to understand their performance. Key to this was the accuracy of the underlying geometrical representation of the device. 

Working with medical researchers from Sheffield Teaching Hospitals and Romanian Institutes, SERG used the scanning solutions at SMIC to measure a series of heart valve types and generate accurate digital simulations.

Developing bespoke products

Accuracy is also key to developing and prototyping bespoke products. The scanning technology at SMIC has been used to develop orthotic products, face masks, ergonomic grips for paralympians and equipment for Olympic athletes. It’s also benefited product developers across the sports industry, allowing them to create bespoke, more representative products and methods.

Digital model of a cyclist on a bike

This blog article is taken from the SMIC website.