
Other useful documents & links

Department of Health (1999) Making a Difference: Strengthening the Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting Contribution to Health and Healthcare. Department of Health, London.

Department of Health (2006) Modernising nursing careers: setting the direction. Department of Health, London.

Leary, A. (2011). Proving your worth. Nursing Standard, 25(31): 62-66. Link

Schulz, R.S. O'Brien A. Czaja, S. Ory, M. Norris, R. Martire, L.M. Belle, S.H. Burgio, L. Gitlin, L. Coon, D. Burns, R. Gallagher-Thompson, D. & Stevens, A. (2002) Dementia caregiver intervention research: in search of clinical significance. Gerontologist 42(5), 589-602.