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YORA Event 11: Children & Young Persons

Come join us on the 24th April 2024, online, for our Children & Young Persons event. We welcome everyone from the public, academia, practice and policy – and not just YORA members or those within the Yorkshire & Humber region.

If you are interested in presenting your work or experiences please contact Dr Alice Bullas (a.bullas@shu.ac.uk).

If you would like to attend please register here.


Response to NHSManagers.net – Addressing Weight Stigma

Two articles recently published in NHSManagers.net, presented a highly stigmatising and scientifically incorrect narrative of obesity. Such views only serve to increase stigma, which can lead to psychological and emotional distress, avoidance of care, reduced adherence to treatment and lower trust of healthcare professionals. As a consequence, we seek to debunking some of these articles’ claims – in line with the joint international consensus statement for ending stigma of obesity.

To view our response please follow this link: YORA Weight Stigma Article (NHSManagers.net)

To ensure this response reaches those that will have read the original articles in NHSManagers.net, we published this article in NHSManagers.net.

YORA RESEARCH: Understanding of compassionate & weight neutral approaches, & person-first language in obesity research

We have just launched a survey gathering data on the understanding and use of compassionate and weight neutral approaches, and of person-first language in obesity research and practice in the region. The survey should take approximately 20 minutes to complete, and we would be so grateful if you shared your views. To complete the survey, please use this link

19/09/23: YORA Event – Weight Stigma

Our next online event on ‘Addressing Weight Stigma in Healthcare & Research’ will be held on 19/09/23, and is now open for registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/yora-event-10-addressing-weight-stigma-in-healthcare-research-tickets-685646997627?aff=oddtdtcreator

We will hear from Paul Baker (Lancaster University), Angela Meadows (University of Essex), Holly Campbell (Doncaster Council) and Ramla Aziz (GP Registrar, Bradford).

Prior to attending this event, we encourage all attendees to take the Harvard Weight Implicit Association Test (IAT), and read the open access article ‘How and why weight stigma drives the obesity ‘epidemic’ and harms health’.