Expertise & equipment

The Morphology Research Theme is based in the Sports Engineering Research Group (SERG) at the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre (AWRC), within Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) in the UK. Being based here gives us access to a plethora of expertise & equipment for us in research, education / training and innovation, including:

3D external body surface imaging: we have expertise in and use of several 3D external body surface imaging systems that capture detailed three-dimensional representations of the body’s outer surface – often known as avatars, digital twins or humanoids. It’s valuable in various fields, including plastic surgery, ergonomics, apparel design, and forensic anthropology, aiding in precise measurements and visualizations.

Digital anthropometry: we have expertise in, and access to relevant software, the extraction of anthropometry from 3D external body surface images.

3D shape analysis: using the principles of Geometric Morphometrics, we have expertise in the quantification of shape variation using geometric landmarks. To achieve this we draw upon our expertise in mathematical methods to analyse and compare shapes.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD): we have expertise in fluid mechanics, and access to relevant software, to understand fluid behavior, to assist in engineering and design.

Reverse engineering: we use reverse engineering to dissect a product or system to understand its design and functionality. Through this analysis and experimentation, we gain insights for replication, improvement, or understanding underlying principles.

Manual anthropometry: As International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK) accredited anthropometrists (level 1-3) we are capable of providing manual body measurment expertise in research projects and running manual anthropometry accreditation courses (level 1-2). To facilitate this we have several manual anthropometry kits including: stadiometers, segmometers, small body calipers, large body callipers, anthropometry tapes, skin fold callipers and weighing scales.

SHU Students ISAK level 1 accreditation course – January 2024.

Ultrasound: we have access to a manual ultrasound machine (*INSERT EXACT BRANDS*) that uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of internal body structures in real-time. It’s versatile, non-invasive, and widely used in medical diagnosis, obstetrics and imaging of soft tissues.

BODPOD: we have a The BOD POD (*INSERT EXACT BRANDS*), allowing us to conduct Air Displacement Plethysmography (ADP) using whole body densitometric principles to determine body composition (Fat and Fat-Free Mass) in adults and children.

Dual X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA): we have expertise and access to a DXA machine (*INSERT EXACT BRANDS*) to facilitate internal imaging of the body, to measure bone density, body composition, and fat distribution – predominantly used for the assessment of osteoporosis and body composition.

Bioelectrical Impedance (BIA): we have expertise in, and access to, BIA systems (*INSERT EXACT BRANDS*) that assess body composition through the passing a low-level electrical current through the body. In doing so we can estimate fat mass, lean tissue, and fluid distribution.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): through the AWRC partnerships with Canon Medical and Living Care we have access to MRI devices (and trained staff) at the Canon Medical Arena next door on the Olympic Legacy Park (OLP).

A brief outline of some of our equipment can be found in the AWRC virtual tour of the morphology lab here. If you are interested in learning more about or use of our expertise and equipment in in research, education / training or innovation, please get in contact.