BLOG ARTICLE: Ambition to award: reflections on the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship application process.

The UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship (FLF) is a prestigious funding opportunity designed to support exceptional researchers and innovators in the UK. Funded by the UK government, it supports early career scientists, engineers, and researchers the chance to develop their leadership potential and conduct ambitious, transformative research across a wide range of disciplines. Through this program, fellows are empowered to drive innovation, address societal challenges, and make significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge and the betterment of society. In December 2023 it was announced that I was one of 75 FLF recipients – securing ~£1.6million and the first ever UKRI FLF for Sheffield Hallam University (SHU).

During the application process I found reading blogs of, and chatting with, previous awardees massively encouraging and informative. Thus, I figured it was only fair I repaid the favour – consequently in this blog I will be reflecting on my experience of the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship application process.


But first let me set the scene a little … Following the completion of my PhD in 2018 and subsequent employment with the Sports Engineering Research Group at SHU, I had a novel research specialism to those around me. This meant there was no senior academic bringing in funding or projects within my field for me to assist on. And being a new ‘Dr’ meant I had neither the previous experience in grant writing or research projects to be successful in being awarded such funding or projects myself. Thus, I worked on everything and anything I could contribute to in order to justify my employment. Whilst this allowed me to develop a massively broad spectrum of experiences and skills sets, it meant trying to a grasp of my specialism on the side.

However, in 2019 I was awarded an Innovate UK ICURe award. This provided me the opportunity to travel the world to meet and talk with experts in my specialism about research and innovation – with the focus of commercialism.

Whilst at the end we deemed commercialisation (at that time) to not be suitable, I left with the most profound understanding of my specialism and – most importantly an idea!

This idea was this was that body measures underpin life as we know it; from the trivial: the shape of the chair you’re sat on, the clothes you are wearing and the dimension of your devices, to the critical: the design of your seat belt, your qualification for medical treatments and the dosages of those treatment. However, children – particularly those from ethnic minority backgrounds, are poorly represented within the anthropometric databases that such items and decisions are based upon, as well as the guidelines and standards used to create them. Which, for the trivial items is an annoyance but for critical items jeopardises – such as in the assessment of health – poses a risk to life. As such I became set on critically evaluate the body measurement measures and methods used in the assessment of child health, with a focus on childhood obesity.

Overflowing with enthusiasm, I headed back home to pursue this idea at SHU. Then BAM! … Covid. Funding calls were cancelled and projects suspended. For the next year I explored every avenue that would allow me to push this idea forward, seeking and engaging in opportunities and experiences that would ensure I have the necessary skills sets to tackle this idea once the world re opened.

In Spring 2021, whilst on maternity leave, I was awarded a Early Career Researchers Fellowship internally, from SHU. This fellowship awarded me with time (6 months) to solely work on the progression of this idea upon my return from maternity leave. I attended conferences, wrote papers, spoke with experts in the field – seeking and engaging in every opportunity and experience that would allow me to progress this idea. Moreover, having returned from maternity leave I felt possessed with determination – if I was to leave my child at child care then the reason for me doing so needed to be excellent, I needed to be contributing or working towards something that would make an impact. Then, at the end of this fellowship – the timing really was truly super! UKRI announced round 7 of their FLF scheme.

I had always olged at the FLF scheme, since becoming aware of it in 2019, with Dr Dan Humphrey’s award at the University of Sheffield. But I had always felt it was something a little too ambitious for me. But in September 2022 the FLF call came at a timely and critical point, whereby I had built a substantial network and ambitious research vision. However, substantial support in scale, flexibility, and duration – beyond that of a standard project grant, was essential to realise and maximise impact of a research vision of this scale and complexity.

Internal selection

For round 7 UKRI capped the number of applicants each institution / business could submit. Within SHU this meant an internal selection process of two stages in which the ‘outline’ of your application progressively got larger.

Written application

Once I had the green light from SHU I worked on finalising the written application. This included:

  • discussions with experts in the field to finalise methods.
  • liaison with existing FLF fellows, locally and within similar specialisms.
  • identification and agreement from the co-investigators, project partners and mentors.
  • internal and external (including co-investigators, project partners and mentors) review, and rewriting based on the feedback.
  • itemisation of costings.
  • confirmation of the support provided by SHU, project partners, sub-contractors and mentors.
  • liaison with SHU research & innovation support staff.

My dyslexia means that writing is a challenge. Thus, for me, writing this application took a lot of time. From starting the application; in September, to submission; in the first few days of December, took ~450 hours of which I had to compress into the 3 months before submission, alongside my regular work. The support of the SHU research & innovation support staff was invaluable in providing guidance, motivation and support.

To combine the FLF with personal responsibilities and extend the total duration of the fellowship to accommodate longitudinal data collection, I write in that I was to complete the FLF on a part-time basis (0.8FTE; 100% working time). In hindsight I wish I had enquired with existing FLF fellows as to their starting salary, and costed in my family to join me on my international secondments.

Reviewers comments / response to reviewers

In May 2023 I received the comments from reviewers, and submitted my response to reviewers. This was 5 1/2 months after submission. Thus, the first task was to ensure I refamiliasered myself with my application. As you are restricted on space in which to respond, I then went through and categorised each statement from the reviewers into theme, sub theme and connotation to ensure I could address every comment and collate all similar comments. In responding I tried to retain a concise, positive, honest and graceful approach.


At the start of August 2023 I was informed I had been selected for interview. Ahead of the interview, I had 3 mock interviews, using the example questions provided by UKRI. These mock interviews were extremely helpful in ensuring I was able to communicate my ambition and research in the most clear and concise manner, calm my nerves and ensure I had my environmental ‘set up’ correct.

The interview itself, in the middle of September 2023, was very quick; only 30 minutes (including a 5 minute presentation). All the guidance from UKRI was helpful and true to their description. As it was online I ensured I was set up early and video called a colleague just before the interview to ensure that all my call settings were correct.


It took 6 weeks from interview to outcome was 6 weeks, and I was a nervous wreck for every single one of those days. I know people say don’t put all your eggs in one basket, but I definitely had – and my nerves knew it!  I am so very grateful to have been awarded this fellowship, and to be provided the opportunity to pursue my research vision. I hope that by identifying the most accurate and suitable measures and methods to assess child obesity and health we will ensure accurate diagnosis and monitoring to underpin treatment for individuals and the planning of appropriate services. Ultimately, with the aim is to reduce child obesity rates and improve child health and wellbeing in the UK and globally.

If you have any questions or queries about my project please don’t hesitate to get in contact. To keep up to speed with progress of my fellowship please give me a follow on Linkedin and Twitter.

This blog article is taken from the SERG blog.

For more information about work we do in SERG check out our website, our annual review or our MSc Sports Engineering course.

BLOG ARTICLE: The use of more advanced body measurements: Translating research from elite sport to health.

For centuries, people have been fascinated with the human body and measuring its dimensions, believing that an individual’s physical health and performance is closely linked to their body size and shape. In the early days, physicians such as Hippocrates (460-370 B.C.) used subjective descriptions of a person’s physical build to predict their risk of developing certain diseases, such as tuberculosis and stroke. Thankfully, there have been extraordinary advances in the tools used within medical practice since then, along with the creation of more quantitative methods for measuring the human body, otherwise known as anthropometry. However, though the field of anthropometry has seen major developments since its earliest origins, the tools which are regularly used to measure the human body, in fields such as fashion and sport, are the same as those that have been used for the past century. These traditional techniques rely on the use of tape measures, height gauges and weight scales, with combinations of these used to create simple proxies of weight status and body shape, such as the body-mass-index (BMI). These approaches for assessing the human body are prone to error and limited by their relative simplicity, as they do not capture its complex three-dimensional (3D) variations in shape and mass distribution.

Since 2011, Sheffield Hallam University’s Morphology Research Group has become an international leader in the development of novel 3D imaging techniques for measuring and analysing the human body within elite sport, with morphology now one of the key research themes within the Sports Engineering Research Group (SERG). Modern 3D imaging systems, acquire point cloud data that captures detailed and accurate external dimensions and shape characteristics of the human body. An example of the Morphology Group’s work using 3D imaging in sport has been obtaining more accurate person-specific body segment inertial parameters (BSIPs) – e.g., mass, centre of mass position, moments of inertia. These metrics are vital when performing biomechanical analyses used to model human movement, particularly in movements involving high accelerations and rotations in acrobatic sports, such as trampolining and gymnastics. After scanning individuals using a 3D imaging system, Choppin et al., (2020) were able to calculate the magnitude and orientation of principal moments of volume from the resulting geometries, demonstrating the potential for errors when calculating these variables using more traditional techniques. It was also suggested that low-cost 3D imaging devices could offer a viable alternative solution for obtaining BSIP’s when possible.

Size Stream LLC booth scanner.

More recently, the Morphology Research Group has been working to translate this knowledge, which has been developed within sport regarding new measures of body shape derived from 3D imaging data, into health and wellbeing applications, such as chemotherapy dosing. Currently, estimates of body surface area (BSA) are used to determine a person’s drug dosage when receiving conventional chemotherapy as part of their cancer treatment. Though this method has been used extensively during the past century, the continued use of BSA-based dosing remains controversial due to these methods of calculation having limited validity, particularly with modern populations that tend to have higher BMI values. The implications of these inaccuracies in dose calculation are significant since it may reduce both the effectiveness of a person’s treatment and their ability to tolerate it safely. Consequently, calls for improved methods of dose calculation have increased in recent years and remains a significant challenge within oncology.

The Morphology Research Group recently published a new paper which presents the idea that the use of advanced body measurement techniques, such as 3D imaging, can provide oncology practitioners with improved tools for prescribing chemotherapy dosages that are valid for individuals, regardless of their body type. Though 3D imaging devices have previously been too large and expensive to be feasibly used in practice, recent developments in low-cost, smartphone-based systems that can acquire 3D imaging data have led to increased accessibility of this technology. Studies to develop improved methods for determining chemotherapy dosages for people with atypical body types using these advanced body measurement techniques are currently ongoing.

me°- three – sixty scanning app from Size Stream LLC

This blog article is taken from the SERG blog.

To find out more information about SERG and the Morphology Research Group’s work, check out our website, our annual review or our MSc Sports Engineering course. You can also follow us through our social media channels, available at the top right of this page or through our linktr.


Thelwell, M.; Masters, N.; Appleyard, R.; Bullas, A.M. Advanced Body Measurement Techniques Can Complement Current Methods of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy Dose Prescription. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 834.

Choppin, S., Clarkson, S., Bullas, A., Thelwell, M., Heller, B., Wheat, J. Anatomical and principal axes are not aligned in the torso: Considerations for users of geometric modelling methods. Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 114, 2021, 110151,

BLOG ARTICLE: Innovation unleashed: The application of 3D surface body scanner expertise to art & theatre

Three-dimensional (3D) surface imaging (also known as 3D body, optical or photonic scanning) creates digital 3D images of the external geometry of the human body, which when stitched together creates a digital -to scale – representation, herein referred to as a digital model (also known as a humanoid, avatar, or twin). Within the Sports Engineering Group (SERG) at Sheffield Hallam Univeristy (SHU) we use an array of 3D imaging system to capture, in a digital 3D form, the human body and equipment for the purpose of critically evaluating or designing, methods and equipment in performance and health.

However, we have recently been working on a fascinating intersection of sports engineering expertise and the worlds of art and theatre. Within this blog article we will revisit two recent case studies of or work and delve into the profound impact when technological acumen meets the unrestrained world of artistic innovation, opening new dimensions for expression and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the intersection of sports engineering, art, and theatre.

CASE STUDY: Integrating 3D imaging into theatre  

Beck Gadsby, Founder of Inside Theatre and Sheffield-based Theatre Director and Producer, has a passion for experimenting with innovative digital technology for the future of performance. As the director of  5 Years, a new play written by Hayley Davis, Beck sought our 3D imaging and modelling expertise. This was used to create an animated model to explore the play’s theme of the perfect body, and what people would do to achieve it.  3D imaging experts from our Sports Engineering Research Group, Dr John Hart and Dr Alice Bullas, scanned and generated digital 3D and miniature physical models of both actors in the play. The 3D model of the lead actor was then animated by Games Art Course Lecturer and Character Design Specialist, Jamie Gibson. 

Images provided by Mark Turner 

The animated 3D and miniature physical models are now integrated into the 5 years play, set to tour around the UK in 2023. 

  “By using this technology, we were able to demonstrate the concept of the piece – what do we lose in the pursuit of perfection – in a more tangible and visual way. It has been very well received by audiences who have said it is like a third actor on stage.”  Beck Gadsby, Director, 5 years  

CASE STUDY: Integrating 3D imaging into theatre  

Jennifer (Jen) Booth, is a Lens Based Artist & Educator who’s work responds to the labour of the female body after & during disease, with conceptual methodologies, engagement, photo installation & education. Jen sought to generate several 3D images of her external form from which moulds could be developed into order to help process her project titled: *Ah Pooka SAKE : *. Within which Jen explores *Porcelain Doll Syndrome and the post environmental effects  & trauma on the diseased female form, and how this is documented and explored through installation and performative based creative practice  *

Once again, the 3D imaging experts from our Sports Engineering Research Group, Dr John Hart and Dr Alice Bullas, 3D scanned and generated digital 3D and, miniature and life size, physical models of Jen. Simon Goodwill, Head of the Sports Engineering Research Group said: “The potential translational applications of our sports engineering are vast from health to, as this project has shown, art. We are delighted we have been able to assist Jen with progressing her project and look forward to all visiting and celebrating the exhibition once complete.”

The digital 3D and, miniature and life size, physical models are now being used by Jen to generate the moulds for her project and assessing the future development and funding of subsequent work.

“This experience has given me  the opportunity to have a physical   model to enable creative dialogue and to nurture cooperative practice and knowledge across the Arts, Science Wellbeing and Sport, and to explore with industry & Academic specialist .” Jennifer Booth, Artist & Director of Typeset.  

This work demonstrates the potential, wide, interdisciplinary impact of our imaging technology in Sports Engineering, from the arts and theatre to ergonomics, fashion or design. The research, in combination with our Sheffield Multimodal Imaging Centre and the strategic partnership between Canon Medical and the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre provides the perfect opportunity for body imaging research and consultancy.  

This work was funded through the European Regional Development Fund: Digital Innovation for Growth (DIfG).  While DIFG is no longer accepting projects.

This blog article is taken from the SERG blog.

For more information about work we do in SERG check out our website, our annual review or our MSc Sports Engineering course.