June 2022: Research associate – Mario

Mario worked with us from May to June 2022. He helped us to create some small 3D models of torso shapes. Torso shape and the way our bodies can vary is an important aspect of our research. We hope that the models we create will help us to communicate the work we’re doing. Mario has answered some questions for us below.

What did you do? What did you work on? What equipment did you use? Please give us a summary of your time working with us.

Whilst working with the morphology research group, I have helped produce 3D printed torso models which has been a great experience. I downloaded a software called Chitubox to edit the models of the torsos, giving the drain holes, hollowing them out and adding support structures. This was then sent off to the 3D printing machine. To prepare the machine, I had to pour a chosen resin into the machine and set it off to print. After the machine had printed the torso model, it was taken out and was manually cleaned to give it as good a look as we could give it. I tweaked my cleaning technique throughout the numerous models in order to give the model a better look. After the model had been cleaned, It was then put into a machine to be cured and produced a finished product!

Overall, my time spent 3D printing has been an exciting and challenging period! My experience here has definitely helped me in getting closer to making a decision of which career pathway I would like to head down in the future.

Were you interested in 3D body scanning and human measurement before working with us? If not, has your experience changed that?

Before my experience with the morphology research group, I was not educated or very aware of 3D body scanning. However, after experiencing it first-hand and been educated by staff here, this would definitely be something that I would love to be involved in further into my career!

Has your experience helped you in your career? Or, how do you hope it will help you in the future?

My experience here has most certainly helped me with my career development. Working with numerous software and machinery are extremely useful skills and experiences that may help me in the future when applying for a role. Additionally, outside of technical and practical skills, experiencing being in a working environment around lots of experienced professionals is a different and challenging environment but is another skill I have taken away which may help me get a future role or/and adapt to that role quicker.