Sharing project findings – webinars December 2023
The presentations from these webinars are available here.
As the study draws to a close, we are holding webinars in which we will share our findings, consider what these findings tell us about the implementation of professional development, and invite reflections and discussion on their implications for practice and policy. We hope you will join us for one or more of these. The webinars will take place on Zoom. To register for one or more webinar, sign up using the online form (scan the QR code below). The Zoom link for each webinar will be sent out nearer the time.
System Leadership: Policy Implementation in Mathematics and Science Professional Development, Tuesday 5 December, 4.00 – 5.30
In this webinar, we will consider what we have learned about policy implementation in mathematics and science professional development (Strand 2 of the study). Through interviews with leaders of ‘Hub’ models of professional development (the Maths Hubs, run by NCETM, and the Science Learning Partnerships, run by STEM Learning Ltd) we have explored the regional and local leadership of large-scale, sustained professional development initiatives. We will be joined by Peter Finegold, Head of Policy – Education and Skills at The Royal Society, who will share his reflections on our findings and their implications.
Embedding change in teacher professional development, Thursday 7 December, 4.00 – 5.30
In this webinar, we will consider what we have learned about the leadership of professional development in schools in England (Strand 3 of the study). Through a survey and interviews with teachers, professional development leaders and school leaders in schools and Multi-Academy Trusts in England we have explored the actions which can be taken by school leaders to embed professional development in teachers’ professional lives and generate a culture of sustained professional learning. We will be joined by Loic Menzies, researcher, policy analyst and visiting Fellow of Sheffield Hallam University, who will share his reflections on our findings and their implications.
Making Change Happen in Teacher Professional Development, Tuesday 12 December, 4.00 – 5.30
In this webinar, we will consider what we have learned from the whole study about the leadership of teacher professional development at multiple system levels including in schools, Multi-Academy Trusts, and local school partnerships and hubs. We will share summaries of the findings across the three strands of the study, explore their similarities and differences, and consider their implications for policy and practice in England.
Leadership for professional development: Supporting schools and empowering teachers to be professional development ready, Monday 18 December, 4.00 – 5.30
In this webinar, we will consider what we have learned about the leadership of teacher professional development in schools (Strand 1 of the study). Through a review of national and international literature, we analysed research evidence about the actions and behaviours which can be taken by school leaders to build a school environment which supports teachers’ sustained engagement in effective professional development. We will be joined by Dr Tom Perry, Associate Professor at the University of Warwick’s Department of Education Studies, who will share his reflections on our findings and their implications.

Emerging findings: Tuesday 27 June 2023 5-6 pm, online webinar
On Tuesday 27 June 2023, we are holding an online webinar about where we’ll share emerging findings from the study, focussing in particular on what we are learning about leadership at multiple system levels including in schools, Multi-Academy Trusts, and local school partnerships and hubs. This will be followed by questions and discussion.
We are interested to hear how our learning relates to your practice and how we can effectively share the outcomes of the study to support their implementation.
To reserve a place at the webinar, sign up at Eventbrite:
International Professional Development Association annual conference: 28-30 June 2023
We will be presenting two papers at the 2023 International Professional Development Association annual conference, 28-30 June in Birmingham:
- Leadership and the implementation of professional development in schools, drawing on findings from the evidence review (project Strand 1)
- Analysing professional development and learning: applying a holistic framework to compare policy-led professional development programmes, exploring the policy analysis (project Strand 2)
British Educational Research Association annual conference: 12-14 September 2023
We are hosting a symposium sharing findings from the whole study at the British Educational Research Association annual conference in Birmingham on 14 September 2023:
- Leadership, the school environment and the implementation of professional development