The Project Advisory Group

The Role of the Project Advisory Group (PAG)

The main role of the PAG, as its title suggests, is to offer advice and support. It does not have management responsibility for the project. The PAG's functions are varied but include the following:

  • offering support and advice for the project as a whole and for specific aspects of the work e.g. research design, methodology
  • providing information about similar work in progress as well as about policy and practice developments
  • reviewing progress
  • providing a channel for JRF to keep in touch with the project
  • granting a forum to discuss ways of dissemination
  • making use of personal networks to publicise project findings

Our PAG is made up of academics and professionals from a range of disciplines and professions who have in-depth experience within the field of researching race and ethnicity.

Project Manager

Helen Barnard
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
The Homestead
40 Water End
York YO30 6WP


Members of PAG

Dr. Louise Archer - King's College London
Davnet Cassidy, Home Office
Professor Richard Berthoud - University of Essex
Dr. Robert Dixon - Sheffield Health & Social Research Consortium
Christine Gratus - National Cancer Research Institute's Consumer Liaison Group
Dr. Yasmin Gunaratnam - Goldsmiths, University of London
Professor Soren Holm - Cardiff University
Professor Ron Iphofen - University of Wales Bangor
Professor Richard Jenkins - University of Sheffield
Professor Mark R D Johnson - De Montfort University
Dr. Manuel Madriaga - Sheffield Hallam University
Dr. Pritti Mehta - Royal National Institute of Blind People
Professor Andrew Webster - University of York
Professor Edward M Winter - Sheffield Hallam University