
Papers and reports

Barley, R. and Salway, S. (2009) Social research for our multi-ethnic society: are researchers adequately trained and supported? Social Research Association Newsletter September, 2009.

Salway, S., Allmark, P., Barley, R., Higginbottom, G., Gerrish K. and Ellison, GTH (2009) 'Social research for a multiethnic society: an exploration of current guidance and future possible directions' 21st Century 4(1):53-81. Pre-publication link

Salway, S. and Ellison, GTH (2009) 'Nursing research for a multiethnic society' in Gerrish, K. and Lacey A. (eds.) Nursing Research, Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford, forthcoming.

Salway, S., Allmark, P., Barley, R., Higginbottom, G., Gerrish K. and Ellison, GTH. 'Researching ethnic inequalities' Submitted to Social Research Update. http://sru.soc.surrey.ac.uk/

Workshops and presentations

Peter Allmark held two workshops related to the project:

4/12/2007 Goodenough College, London. Monitoring ethnic diversity in UK Social Science and public policy research.

8/4/2008 Royal College of Nursing International Research Conference: Workshop: Ethnic diversity in UK social science and public policy research.

The aims of these workshops were:

  • To help participants clarify their own ideas and beliefs concerning ethnicity and social science research using discussion methods focused around vignettes;
  • To discuss whether guidelines for social science and public policy research would be a feasible and useful outcome of the JRF project.

The workshops involved a mixture of presentation and then discussion around questions and case studies. Attached here are copies of the PowerPoint presentation (with lecture notes), a briefing paper and the case study scenarios used.

9/3/2009 ESRC National Centre for Research Methods seminar series: Researching ‘race’ and racism – methodological challenges.

Convenors: Kish Bhatti-Sinclair, University of Southampton; Ravinder Barn, Royal Holloway College, University of London; Dharman Jeyasingham, University of Salford; Ann Wilkinson, Kings College, University of London.

When and how to include attention to racial/ethnic diversity within 'social policy-relevant' research (Presentation) by Sarah Salway

Researching racial and ethnic diversity: Findings from consultation work (Presentation) by George Ellison

Guidance documents (coming soon)