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About us

We want to foster innovative collaborations that will enhance people's lives.

To do this we are creating a network of passionate researchers who have the ability to push the boundaries of interdisciplinary working. In particular, it will address problems related to the following three themes

  • rehabilitation and assisted living
  • sport, physical activity and medicine
  • sustainability

Through an award from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, we will be holding field labs, idea generator events and research cafes in order to drive the inspiration process towards pioneering research.

These events will be dynamic environments - playgrounds for thinkers, visionaries and innovators to create new connections and share knowledge.

We will also be offering the opportunity to gain funding towards ten of the best projects derived from these collaborations.

Read more about the objectives of the Engineering for Life network.

Who's involved?

Who's it for?

The network is open to all Sheffield Hallam staff and PhD students.

Sheffield Hallam University, City Campus, Howard Street, Sheffield S1 1WB

Telephone 0114 225 5555 | Fax 0114 225 4449

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