Neighbourhoods in Picture
As part of the larger research project, photographer and filmmaker Andrew Robinson was commissioned to work alongside the research team to devise and undertake participatory media arts activity in three of the six areas (Hillside, Amlwch and West Kensington) to produce a range of audio-visual research material. The commission was later extended to include smaller-scale work in Oxgangs, Wensley Fold and West Marsh.
These interactive activities - exploring a range of participatory research methodologies from photography and captioning projects to audio interviews and film-making – were designed to capture the reality of life, a sense of place and underlying social issues for each neighbourhood in the residents’ own words and images. They engaged participants from across the communities concerned and attempted to involve population groups whose voices are traditionally under-represented in research interviews, particularly young people, and thereby extend the reach of the study.
The audio-visual research was also intended to be a point of triangulation for the research team to compare and contrast emerging understandings from the formal research with the resident’s own narratives as represented in their participatory art work. The inclusion of visual material and participants’ commentary was also intended to enliven the research, and make it more accessible, especially to local audiences.
The material that Andrew and the residents have produced has been exhibited and distributed in the case study neighbourhoods via DVD, websites, on-line forums and local events and has provided an opportunity provoke further debate and discussion amongst local residents and researchers. A book of material produced on the audio-visual research project ‘What is happening to our community’ has been produced and an exhibition of imagery and films - Communities Under Pressure - was held in London before touring to the six communities.
Available to view on this web site are a selection of captioned resident’s photographs and a series of short films produced as part of the participatory audio-visual research project.
Resident’s images can be accessed using the menu on the left.
The Short Films can be accessed here..