Sion Mills
The rural case study, Sion Mills, is a village in Co. Tyrone located on the A5 road and near the town of Strabane. The case study area is contiguous with the Sion Mills electoral ward, as highlighted in the map below. Sion Mills has a population of 2190 in 868 households and is of mixed community background (61 per cent Roman Catholic and 38 per cent Protestant). 33 per cent of households contain dependent children. Housing tenure is 61 per cent owner occupation, 19 per cent social housing, and 13 per cent private rented. The case study area is located on the left-hand side of the A5 travelling from Derry, and consists of low-rise mainly semi-detached housing, a ‘village green’ space and other smaller public open spaces. There are several small shops along the A5, but residents shop mainly at the new Asda on the road to Strabane, and in Strabane, Omagh or Derry. This means life without a car is difficult. The pleasant local environment hides disadvantage. Unemployment is seven per cent and economic inactivity due to long-term sickness or disability is 13 per cent; 39 per cent of residents have some kind of long term health condition. Village life and employment, was focused around the Mill which closed in 2004 and is still derelict although some funds were obtained by the Sion Mills Building Preservation Trust to repair the Mill chimney as a local landmark. The village has a vibrant voluntary and community sector, with two particularly prominent groups being the Sion Mills Community Association and the Sion Mills Community Forum.
Research activities in Sion Mills case study are being coordinated by Professor Paul Hickman (( / 0114 225 4522) and Elaine Batty ( / 0114 225 4519) from Sheffield Hallam University, please do not hesitate to contact them if you have any queries about our work in the area.