- Title: Strategic Intelligence Management: National Security Imperatives and Information and Communications Technologies
- Editors: Professor Babak Akhgar and Professor Simeon Yates, Directors of CENTRIC (Centre of Excellence for Terrorism, resilience, intelligence and organised crime research)
- Publisher: Elsevier
- ISBN: 978-0-1-24071919
- Webpage: http://store.elsevier.com/product.jsp?isbn=9780124071919
- Date of Publication: March 2013
Strategic Intelligence Management introduces both academic researchers and law enforcement professionals to contemporary issues of national security and information management and analysis. This contributed volume draws on state-of-the-art expertise from academics and law enforcement practitioners across the globe. The chapter authors provide background, analysis, and insight on specific topics and case studies. “Strategic Intelligent Management” explores the technological and social aspects of managing information for contemporary national security imperatives. Features: academic researchers and graduate students in computer science, information studies, social science, law, terrorism studies, and politics, as well as professionals in the police, law enforcement, security agencies, and government policy organizations will welcome this authoritative and wide-ranging discussion of emerging threats; hot topics like cyber terrorism, Big Data, and Somali pirates, addressed in terms the layperson can understand, with solid research grounding; fills a gap in existing literature on intelligence, technology, and national security; and market opportunities in US, UK, and Germany, including potential for FBI and EU law-enforcement training programs as well as advanced undergrad and grad school textbook adoptions.