- Title: Emerging Trends in ICT Security (1st Edition)
- Authors: Professor Babak Akhgar, CENTRIC, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK ;Hamid R. Arabnia, University of Georgia, USA
- Publisher: Elsevier
- ISBN: 9780124114746
- Webpage: http://store.elsevier.com/Emerging-Trends-in-ICT-Security/isbn-9780124114746/
- Date of Publication: January 2014
Emerging Trends in ICT Security, an edited volume, discusses the foundations and theoretical aspects of ICT security; covers trends, analytics, assessments and frameworks necessary for performance analysis and evaluation; and gives you the state-of-the-art knowledge needed for successful deployment of security solutions in many environments. Application scenarios provide you with an insider’s look at security solutions deployed in real-life scenarios, including but limited to smart devices, biometrics, social media, big data security, and crowd sourcing.