CENTRIC presented the results of its analysis of the amount of cybercrime in Yorkshire and Humberside at AQL’s headquarters at Salem Chapel, Leeds on 30 November 2016. The presentation was part of Smart Cities: A Leeds Perspective jointly organised by the Women in Sustainable Construction & Property, the UK Business Council for Sustainable Development and The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment. The research was carried out in conjunction with Stuart Hyde (Ambassador for the Yorkshire Humberside Cyber security Information Sharing Partnership (CISP)) to highlight the risk of cybercrime within the Yorkshire and Humber region.
Based on current data, the key takeaways were:
- Approximately 3% of people in the region will be a victim of cybercrime per year, rising to 4.5% in South Yorkshire
- There is approximately one cybercrime per business in the Yorkshire and Humber region per year
- This is only the tip of the iceberg as many cybercrimes still go unreported or undetected at the regional level
Full details can be found in this document.