Journal Articles
VAN DER GIESSEN, M., & BAYERL, P. S. (2022). Designing for successful online engagement: Understanding technological frames of citizen and police users of community policing platforms. Government Information Quarterly, 101711.
BUTOT, V., BAYERL, P.S., JACOBS, G., & de HAAN, F. (2020). Citizen reactions to smart urban safety: Perspectives from Rotterdam. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 158, article 120164.
MACIEL, R.F., BAYERL, P.S., & MACEDO KERR PINHERO, M. (2019). Technical research innovations of the US national security system. Scientometrics, 120, 539–565.
ANGELOVA, Maia, ELLMAN, Jeremy, GIBSON, Helen, OMAN, Paul, RAJASEGARAR, Sutharshan and ZHU, Ye. (2018). User activity pattern analysis in Telecare Data. IEEE Access, 6 (1), 33306-33317.
NITSCH, Holger, BREWSTER, Benjamin and AKHGAR, Babak. (2018). Maximising the security and safety of citizens by strengthening the connection between the police and the communities they serve. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin, SCE 4.
AKHGAR, Babak and WELLS, Douglas. (2018). Critical success factors for OSINT Driven Situational Awareness. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin, 18.
SCHEITHAUER, Herbert, LEUSCHNER, Vincenz, BOCKLER, Nils, AKHGAR, Babak and NITSCH, Holger. (2018). Developmental Pathways towards Violent Left-, Right-Wing, Islamist Extremism and Radicalization. International Journal of Developmental Science, 12 (1-2), 1-4.
BAYERL, P.S., HORTON, K., & JACOBS, G. (2018). How do we describe our professional selves? Building blocks of identity configurations across professions. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 107, 168–181.
SHAHRASBI, Alireza, SHAMIZANJANI, Mehdi, ALAVIDOOST, M. H. and AKHGAR Babak. (2017). An aggregated fuzzy model for the selection of a managed security service provider. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 16 (3), p. 625.
DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos, AKHGAR Babak, ANDREWS, Simon, and DAY, Tony. (2017). Identification of Critical Factors in Large Crisis Decision Making Processes using Computational Tools: The case of ATHENA. International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications (IJSITA), 8 (2).
GASCO, M., BAYERL, P.S., DENEF, S. & AKHGAR, B. (2017). Citizens as online crisis communicators: Reacting to police messages on Twitter during the 2011 UK riots. Government Information Quarterly, 34, 635–645.
BAYERL, P.S., LAUCHE, K., & AXTELL, C. (2016). Explaining the dynamics of group-based technology adoption over time. MIS Quarterly, 40 (3), 775-784.
BAYERL, P.S., & STOYNOV, L. (2016). Revenge by Photoshop: Memefying police acts in the public dialog about injustice. New Media and Society, 18 (6), 1006-1026.
BAYERL, P.S. & AKHGAR, B., (2015). Surveillance and falsification implications for Open Source Intelligence Investigations. Communications of the ACM, 58 (8), 62-69.
BAYERL, P.S., HORTON, K., JACOBS, G., et al. (2014). Perspectives on the police profession: An international investigation. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 37 (4), 728-747.
ANDREWS, Simon, GIBSON, Helen, DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos and AKHGAR, Babak (2016). Creating corroborated crisis reports from social media data through formal concept analysis. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 47, 287-312.
DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos, AKHGAR, Babak, ANDREWS, Simon and GIBSON, Helen (2016). A social media and crowd-sourcing data mining system for crime prevention during and post-crisis situations. Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 18 (4), 364-382.
DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos, ANDREWS, Simon and AKHGAR, Babak (2015). Application of a new service-oriented architecture (SOA) paradigm on the design of a crisis management distributed system. International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies, 7 (2), 1-17.
POLOVINA, Simon, ANDREWS, Simon, AKHGAR, Babak, STANIFORTH, Andrew and FORTUNE, David (2014). The EMPRISES pan-European Framework. International Journal of Conceptual Structures and Smart Applications, 2 (2), 76-87.
BREWSTER, Benjamin, AKHGAR, Babak, STANIFORTH, Andrew, WADDINGTON, Dave, ANDREWS, Simon and JOHNSON, Kayleigh (2014).Towards a model for the integration of knowledge management in law enforcement agencies. International journal of electronic security and digital forensics, 6 (1), 1-17.
YATES, Simeon, AKHGAR, Babak, BATES, Christopher, JOPEK, Lukasz and WILSON, Richard (2011). A platform for discovering and sharing confidential ballistic crime data. International Journal of Knowledge and Web Intelligence, 2 (2/3), 202-218.
Conference Papers
BAYERL, P.S., AKHGAR, B., LA MATTINA, E., PIRILLO, B., COTOI, I., et al. (2021). Strategies to Counter Artificial Intelligence in Law Enforcement: Cross-Country Comparison of Citizens in Greece, Italy And Spain. Springer Nature – Research Book Series: Transactions on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence.
GIBSON, Helen, AKHGAR, Babak, HAJIRASOULIHA, Iman, GARCIA, Reyes, OZDEMIR, Zuhal and PILAKOUTAS, Kypros (2016). A situational awareness framework for improving earthquake response, recovery and resilience. In: 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, 9-13 January 2017. (In Press)
DOMDOUZIS, Konstantinos, ANDREWS, Simon, GIBSON, Helen, AKHGAR, Babak and HIRSCH, Laurence (2014). Service-Oriented Design of a Command and Control Intelligence Dashboard for Crisis Management. In: Big Data, Intelligence Management and Analytics Workshop (BDIMA 2014), 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2014), London, 8-11 December 2014.
AKHGAR, Babak, YATES, Simeon, RAHMAN, Fazilatur, JOPEK, Lukasz, MITCHELL, Sarah and CALDARELLI, Luca (2009). A Pan European platform for combating organized crime and terrorism (Odyssey Platform). In: Centeris: Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems, Esposende, Portugal. 7-10 October 2009. (Unpublished)
AKHGAR, B., RAHMAN, F., JOPEK, L., SIDDIQI, J., ATKINSON, S., SAVOLDELLI, A., PRATO, D., MONTRUCCHIO, S., GUELLA, F., JAMES, B., PINKERTON, M. and VILMOS, A. (2009). Creating a LOC based portable health-care platform using a universal mobile NFC host environment. In: 2nd International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2009), Oporto, Portugal, 14-17 January, 2009.
SIDDIQI, J., AKHGAR, B., RAHMAN, F., ATKINSON, S., SAVOLDELLI, A., ARICI, S., BERTELE, P., JAMES, B. and PINKERTON, M. (2009). Towards an integrated platform for improving hospital risk management. In: 6th International Conference on Information Technology – New Generations (ITNG 2009), Las Vegas, 27-29 April, 2009.