Classes | |
class | activeContour |
class | angle |
Angle class. More... | |
class | bg_subtract |
class | binmorph_tool |
Morphology tool for binary images. More... | |
class | canny |
class | canny_tool |
Canny edge extraction tool. More... | |
class | Cartesian |
class | cgh |
Cornerwise geometric histrograms. More... | |
class | cgh_scene |
Use this class for generating multiple cornerwise histograms from a given input image (scene). More... | |
class | cgh_wrapper |
a wrapper class for each cgh extracted from an image. More... | |
class | chamfer_match |
chamfer_match. More... | |
class | colour_properties_tool |
Interpolation/extrapolation method for controlling image properties for more details see: More... | |
class | coordinate_xform |
class | corner |
Another image property. More... | |
class | corner_tool |
Corner extraction tool. More... | |
struct | corrcoef |
Compute correlation-value of set of value-tupples. More... | |
class | correlate_square_region |
class | correlation_tracking_tool |
Correlation based tracking of gray-level images and templates The correlation-type C must be an object of class binary_function with back insertion sequences as first and second parameter and double as return value. More... | |
class | data |
Data class This class is able to read and write to data files. More... | |
class | edge_string_op |
class | edgel |
< edgel is a kind of image property More... | |
class | mm_erf |
class | filter |
class | findPipette |
struct | fft_t |
Discrete fourier transform using fftw. More... | |
struct | invfft_t |
Inverse discrete fourier transform using fftw. More... | |
struct | rfft_t |
Discrete fourier transform of real values using fftw. More... | |
struct | invrfft_t |
Inverse discrete fourier transform of symmetric complex array using fftw. More... | |
struct | _abs |
Absolute value. More... | |
struct | _fastsqr |
Fast square. More... | |
struct | _sqr |
Square. More... | |
struct | _sqrt |
Square root. More... | |
struct | _threshold |
Thresholding function. More... | |
struct | _tobinary |
Thresholding function. More... | |
struct | _bilevel |
Convert boolean-pixel to bilevel-pixel. More... | |
struct | _bilevel_double |
Thresholding function with 2 levels. More... | |
struct | _normalise |
Linear companding function. More... | |
struct | _norm |
Take norm of a real or complex value. More... | |
struct | _arg |
The argument of a complex value. More... | |
struct | _conj |
Complex conjugate. More... | |
struct | _log |
Compute logarithm. More... | |
struct | _sumsquares |
Compute sum of squares. More... | |
struct | _orientation |
Compute angle. More... | |
class | gnuplot |
class | hough_transform |
Hough transformation. More... | |
class | find_line |
Line finding using the Hough transform. More... | |
class | image |
Template class for images. More... | |
class | image_dc1394input |
Image input from firewire digital camera (video1394). More... | |
class | image_fileinput |
Class for reading an image from a stream. More... | |
class | image_fileoutput |
Sink for writing an image to a file. More... | |
struct | _format |
class | image_filesinput |
Class for reading a set of image-files. More... | |
class | image_gstreamerinput |
Class for reading image from gstreamer-input. More... | |
class | image_input |
Abstract base-class for input sources. More... | |
class | image_mesaoutput |
Display images using Xlib and OpenGL. More... | |
struct | _wait |
struct | _pause |
struct | _delay |
class | image_mplayeroutput |
Display tool that sits over Mplayer. More... | |
class | image_output |
Abstract base-class for output sinks. More... | |
struct | dist2D |
To represent a displacement in an image. More... | |
class | const_image_ref |
Wrapper for read-only access of image-data. More... | |
class | image_ref |
Wrapper to access image-data. More... | |
class | image_v4linput |
Class for reading images from a video4linux device. More... | |
class | image_xineinput |
Class for reading images from a media resource location. More... | |
class | knn |
struct | gglse_t |
Function-object for gglse. More... | |
struct | inv_t |
Function-object for inv. More... | |
struct | gels_t |
Function-object for gels. More... | |
struct | gesvd_t |
Function-object for gesvd. More... | |
struct | gesdd_t |
Function-wrapper for gesdd. More... | |
struct | syev_t |
Function-wrapper for syev. More... | |
struct | pptrf_t |
Function-object for pptrf. More... | |
class | line |
updated by stu 20030228. More... | |
class | lsystem |
L-Systems. More... | |
class | mesa_base |
Abstract base class for mesa-functionality. More... | |
class | mesa_offscreen |
Mesa off-screen rendering. More... | |
class | mesa_onscreen |
Mesa on-screen rendering. More... | |
class | mimasexception |
Exception class deriving from std::exception. More... | |
class | moments_tool |
Computation of image moments and Hu invariant moments. More... | |
struct | _multi_help1 |
struct | _multi_help2 |
struct | lmdif_t |
Function-object for lmdif. More... | |
struct | lmdif1_t |
Function-object for lmdif1. More... | |
class | nn_assoc |
Associative neural network using Hebb rule. More... | |
class | nn_hebbian |
Hebbian networks. More... | |
class | nn_mlp_tool |
Multi-layered perceptron (MLP) tool. More... | |
class | object |
Common base class for most mimas objects. More... | |
class | object_instance_list |
A little bit confusing. More... | |
class | opticflow_diff_tool |
Differential optic flow - see page 196-197 of Trucco and Verri. More... | |
class | pca_tool |
Principal component analysis (PCA) tool class. More... | |
class | pgh |
Pairwise geometric histograms. More... | |
class | pgh_2dobject |
Pairwise model representation. More... | |
class | pgh_scene |
representing a visual scene (IE a camera image) as a pgh model so that comparison can be made between the scene and the known models. More... | |
class | pol |
Pairs Of Lines tool. More... | |
class | pol_locator |
abstract base class for the locating matches with POLs stueymeikle 20021214 More... | |
class | poss_centroid |
class | pol_locator_gen |
class | pol_angle |
Atomic element of hough transform. More... | |
class | pol_locator_hough |
The pol locator class. More... | |
class | pol_scale_info |
adding scale invariant recognition capabilities to the POL stuff. More... | |
class | pol_locator_scale |
class | pol_match |
a simple structure used to store the found models in the scene (the matches!) More... | |
class | pol_line_info |
Part of the pairs of lines tool. More... | |
class | pol_model |
Pairs of lines model . More... | |
class | pol_scene |
Pairs of lines scene. More... | |
struct | pixel |
A pixel. More... | |
struct | pixel_f |
A double-precision pixel. More... | |
struct | point |
A int point. More... | |
struct | point_f |
A float point. More... | |
struct | segment |
A segment (made of 2 points). More... | |
class | prop |
An property_image is an image where every pixel is an prop. More... | |
class | property_image |
class | pyramid_tool |
Pyramid tool for creating Gaussian and Laplacian pyramids. More... | |
class | reg_param |
Class denoting shift, rotation and scale. More... | |
class | registration_parameters |
The executable in 'registration' takes the two test images in parameters and the size of the square area two be used for registration. More... | |
class | rgba |
class | segment_hashmap_tool |
class | segment_sct_tool |
Colour image segmentation using the Spherical Coordinate Transform (SCT). More... | |
class | slap_tool |
< A tool. Not derived from anything. More... | |
class | stereo |
class | string_el |
Private classes used only for string creation. More... | |
class | strong_features_tool |
class | svd_correspondence |
Correspondence by Singular Value Decomposition. More... | |
class | timer |
Class for measuring time. More... | |
class | vectorfield |
Precomputed tensor. More... | |
class | warp |
Image to image transform. More... | |
class | x11_display |
Wrapper for X11-display. More... | |
class | x11_window |
Class for opening X11 windows. More... | |
class | xml_document |
Class for parsing XML documents. More... | |
class | xml_errorhandler |
Error handler for interfacing with Xalan-library. More... | |
class | xml_node_reference_list |
Wrapper for list of XML-nodes. More... | |
class | xml_reference |
Wrapper for XML-Nodes. More... | |
class | xml_strx |
Conversion to and from unicode. More... | |
Namespaces | |
namespace | camera_calibration |
namespace | hf |
Classes related to the hypothesis filter; a tracking method better known as particle filter. | |
Typedefs | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< cgh > | cgh_ptr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< cgh_wrapper > | cgh_wrapper_ptr |
typedef std::list< cgh_wrapper_ptr > | cgh_wrapper_ptr_list |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< coordinate_xform > | coordinate_xform_ptr |
typedef std::list< coordinate_xform_ptr > | coordinate_xform_ptr_list |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< corner > | corner_ptr |
typedef string_el_ptr_list | edge_string |
Set of edge-points. | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< edge_string > | edge_string_ptr |
typedef std::list< edge_string_ptr > | edge_string_ptr_list |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< edgel > | edgel_ptr |
typedef boost::multi_array< double, 2 > | Array2D |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< line > | line_ptr |
typedef std::list< line_ptr > | line_ptr_list |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< line_ptr_list > | line_ptr_list_ptr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< object > | object_ptr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< object_instance_list > | object_instance_list_ptr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< pgh > | pgh_ptr |
typedef std::list< pgh_ptr > | pgh_ptr_list |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< pgh_2dobject > | pgh_2dobject_ptr |
typedef std::list< pgh_2dobject_ptr > | pgh_2dobject_ptr_list |
typedef std::list< poss_centroid * > | poss_centroid_list |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< pol_match > | pol_match_ptr |
typedef std::list< pol_match_ptr > | pol_match_ptr_list |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< pol_line_info > | pol_line_info_ptr |
typedef std::list< pol_line_info_ptr > | pol_line_info_ptr_list |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< prop > | prop_ptr |
typedef property_image | edge_image |
typedef property_image | corner_image |
typedef property_image | edgestring_image |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< string_el > | string_el_ptr |
typedef std::list< boost::shared_ptr< string_el > > | string_el_ptr_list |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< timer > | timer_ptr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< x11_display > | x11_display_ptr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< x11_window > | x11_window_ptr |
Enumerations | |
enum | angle_type { deg, rad } |
angle type More... | |
enum | pgh_type { pgh_type_mirror, pgh_type_rotate, pgh_type_directed } |
very simple enumerated type to specify the PGH type More... | |
enum | connect_type { unconnected, connection, junction, termination } |
Functions | |
void | rgb_to_rgba (const char *in, int width, int height, char *out) |
Colour conversion from RGB to RGBA. | |
void | yv12_to_rgba (const char *in, int width, int height, char *out) |
Colour conversion from YV12 to RGBA. | |
void | yuv420p_to_rgba (const char *in, int width, int height, char *out) |
Colour conversion from YUV420p to RGBA. | |
void | yuv420p_to_grey (const char *in, int width, int height, char *out) |
Colour conversion from YUV420p to grey. | |
void | yv12_to_grey (const char *in, int width, int height, char *out) |
Colour conversion from YV12 to Grey. | |
void | rgba_to_yv12 (const char *in, int width, int height, char *out) |
Colour conversion from RGBA to YV12. | |
void | uyvy_to_rgba (const char *in, int width, int height, char *out) |
Colour conversion from UYVY to RGBA. | |
void | yuy2_to_rgba (const char *in, int width, int height, char *out) |
Colour conversion from YUY2 to RGBA. | |
void | yuy2_to_grey (const char *in, int width, int height, char *out) |
Colour conversion from YUY2 to grey. | |
template<typename T> | |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &output, const data< T > &outdata) |
template<typename Real, std::size_t Dim, typename TPtr> | |
boost::multi_array< std::complex< Real >, Dim > | fft (const boost::const_multi_array_ref< std::complex< Real >, Dim, TPtr > &field) |
Discrete fourier transform of boost::multi_array. | |
template<typename Real, std::size_t Dim, typename TPtr> | |
boost::multi_array< std::complex< Real >, Dim > | invfft (const boost::const_multi_array_ref< std::complex< Real >, Dim, TPtr > &field) |
Inverse discrete fourier transform of boost::multi_array. | |
template<typename Real, std::size_t Dim, typename TPtr> | |
boost::multi_array< std::complex< Real >, Dim > | rfft (const boost::const_multi_array_ref< Real, Dim, TPtr > &field) |
Discrete fourier transform of real-valued boost::multi_array. | |
template<typename Real, std::size_t Dim, typename TPtr> | |
boost::multi_array< Real, Dim > | invrfft (const boost::const_multi_array_ref< std::complex< Real >, Dim, TPtr > &field) |
Inverse discrete fourier resulting in real-valued boost::multi_array. | |
template<typename T> | |
std::deque< T > | gaussBlurFilter (T sigma, T maxError=(T)(1.0/256.0)) |
Compute gauss-bell. | |
template<typename T> | |
boost::multi_array< T, 2 > | gaussBlur (const boost::const_multi_array_ref< T, 2 > &x, T sigma, T maxError) |
Blur 2-D array. | |
template<typename T> | |
image< T > | gaussBlur (const image< T > &x, T sigma, T maxError=(T)(1.0/256.0)) |
Blur image. | |
template<typename T> | |
std::deque< T > | gaussGradientFilter (T sigma, T maxError=(T)(1.0/256.0)) |
Compute gauss-gradient. | |
template<typename T> | |
boost::multi_array< T, 2 > | gaussGradientX (const boost::const_multi_array_ref< T, 2 > &x, T sigma, T maxError) |
Take x-gradient of 2-D array. | |
template<typename T> | |
image< T > | gaussGradientX (const image< T > &x, T sigma, T maxError=(T)(1.0/256.0)) |
Take x-gradient of 2-D image. | |
template<typename T> | |
boost::multi_array< T, 2 > | gaussGradientY (const boost::const_multi_array_ref< T, 2 > &x, T sigma, T maxError) |
Take y-gradient of 2-D array. | |
template<typename T> | |
image< T > | gaussGradientY (const image< T > &x, T sigma, T maxError=(T)(1.0/256.0)) |
Take y-gradient of 2-D image. | |
template<typename T> | |
image< T > | gaussGradientSqr (const image< T > &im, T sigma, T maxError=(T)(1.0/256.0)) |
Square of gradient-norm. | |
template<typename T> | |
image< T > | gaussGradientNorm (const image< T > &im, T sigma, T maxError=(T)(1.0/256.0)) |
Gradient-norm. | |
template<typename T, typename TPtr, typename UPtr> | |
image< T > | correlate (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &x, const const_image_ref< T, UPtr > &y) |
Correlation of two images. | |
template<typename T, typename TPtr, typename UPtr> | |
image< T > | correlate_separable (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &x, const const_image_ref< T, UPtr > &f) |
template<typename T> | |
void | drawLine (image_ref< T > &image, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, T colour=T()) |
template<typename T> | |
void | drawBox (image_ref< T > &image, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, T colour=T()) |
template<typename T> | |
void | drawThickLine (image_ref< T > &image, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, T colour, int width) |
template<typename T, typename U> | |
image_fileinput< T > & | operator>> (image_fileinput< T > &input, image< U > &im) |
Stream-operator to read image from stream. | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, image< unsigned char > &im) |
For convenience. | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, image< int > &im) |
For convenience. | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, image< float > &im) |
For convenience. | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, image< double > &im) |
For convenience. | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, image< rgba< unsigned char > > &im) |
For convenience. | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, image< rgba< int > > &im) |
For convenience. | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, image< rgba< double > > &im) |
For convenience. | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, image< rgba< float > > &im) |
For convenience. | |
_format | setformat (const char *name) |
Stream-manipulator to change the file-format. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, _format format) |
Change the file-format for the next image. | |
template<typename T, typename U> | |
image_fileoutput< T > & | operator<< (image_fileoutput< T > &output, const const_image_ref< U > &im) |
Stream-operator for writing image to a stream. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const const_image_ref< unsigned char > &img) |
For convencience. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const const_image_ref< int > &img) |
For convencience. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const const_image_ref< double > &img) |
For convencience. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const const_image_ref< float > &img) |
For convencience. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const const_image_ref< rgba< unsigned char > > &img) |
For convencience. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const const_image_ref< rgba< int > > &img) |
For convencience. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const const_image_ref< rgba< float > > &img) |
For convencience. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const const_image_ref< rgba< double > > &img) |
For convencience. | |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
T | min_val (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &image) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
T | max_val (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &image) |
template<typename T> | |
image_ref< T > & | normaliseIt (image_ref< T > &im, const T &val1, const T &val2) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image< T > | normalise (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &im, const T &val1, const T &val2) |
template<typename T> | |
void | equaliseIt (image_ref< T > &imagein) |
template<typename T> | |
image_ref< T > & | bilevelIt (image_ref< T > &im, T threshval, T val1, T val2) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image< T > | bilevel (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &im, T threshval, T val1, T val2) |
template<typename T> | |
image_ref< T > & | thresholdIt (image_ref< T > &im, T threshval) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image< T > | threshold (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &im, T threshval) |
template<typename T> | |
image_ref< T > & | bilevel_doubleIt (image_ref< T > &im, T min, T max, T val1, T val2) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image< T > | bilevel_double (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &im, T min, T max, T val1, T val2) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr, typename U> | |
void | despeckleKuwahara (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &imagein, image< U > &imageout) |
template<typename T> | |
void | despeckleKuwaharaIt (image_ref< T > &imagein) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image< T > | gradSobelX (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &im) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image< T > | gradSobelY (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &im) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image< T > | edgeSobelSqr (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &im) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image< T > | edgeSobelNorm (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &im) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image< T > | edgeLaplacian (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &im) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image< T > | edgeLoG (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &imagein) |
Laplacian of Gaussian filter. | |
template<typename T, typename T1Ptr, typename T2Ptr> | |
image< T > | edgeHaynesJain (const const_image_ref< T, T1Ptr > &imagein1, const const_image_ref< T, T2Ptr > &imagein2) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr, typename U> | |
void | halfResolution (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &imagein, image_ref< U > &imageout) |
template<typename T> | |
void | halfResolutionIt (image_ref< T > &imagein) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr, typename U> | |
void | halfResolutionEdgePyramid (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &imagein, image< U > &imageout) |
template<typename T> | |
void | halfResolutionEdgePyramidIt (image_ref< T > &imagein) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
void | despeckleMedian (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &imagein, image< T > &imageout) |
template<typename T> | |
void | despeckleMedianIt (image_ref< T > &imagein) |
template<typename T> | |
void | chamfer (image_ref< T > &inimage) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
void | paethRotateRadian (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &imagein, image< T > &imageout, float radian) |
template<typename T, typename T1Ptr, typename T2Ptr> | |
void | multiLevelCorrelation (const const_image_ref< T, T1Ptr > &edgemap, const const_image_ref< T, T2Ptr > &objectedgemap, int levels, int &x, int &y, float &corrval, bool chamferObject) |
template<typename T, typename T1Ptr, typename T2Ptr> | |
void | correlation (const const_image_ref< T > &imagein, const const_image_ref< T > &templatein, int &x, int &y, float &corrval) |
template<typename T, typename T1Ptr, typename T2Ptr> | |
void | correlationChamfer (const const_image_ref< T, T1Ptr > &imagein, const const_image_ref< T, T2Ptr > &templatein, int &x, int &y, float &corrval) |
template<typename T> | |
void | rotationChamferCorrelationEdgeMap (image< T > &edgemap, image< T > &objectedgemap, int angle1, int angle2, int anglestep, int &x, int &y, int &outangle, float &corrval) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image< T > | focusEnhance (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &im) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image< T > | featureEnhance (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &im) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image< T > | emboss (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &im) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image< T > | softenHeavy (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &im) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image< T > | softenMedium (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &im) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image< T > | softenLight (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &im) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
void | oilPainting (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &imagein, image< T > &imageout, int regiondim) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
void | displayWithOverlay (image_output< rgba< unsigned char > > &display, const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &im, const property_image &pim) |
template<typename T, typename T1Ptr, typename T2Ptr> | |
double | dotProduct (const const_image_ref< T, T1Ptr > &im1, const const_image_ref< T, T2Ptr > &im2) throw (mimasexception) |
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename TAPtr, typename TBPtr, typename TCPtr> | |
image< bool > | nonMaximaSuppression (const const_image_ref< T1, TAPtr > &gradientX, const const_image_ref< T1, TBPtr > &gradientY, const const_image_ref< T2, TCPtr > &gradientSqr, T2 threshold) |
Fast non-maxima suppression. | |
template<typename T, typename U> | |
image_gstreamerinput< T > & | operator>> (image_gstreamerinput< T > &input, image< U > &im) |
template<typename T> | |
image_input< T > & | operator>> (image_input< T > &input, image< T > &img) |
Stream-operator for arbitrary input-source. | |
_wait | wait (int _milliSeconds) |
Stream-manipulator for performing a wait. | |
_pause | pause (void) |
Stream-manipulator for pausing. | |
_delay | delay (int _milliSeconds) |
Stream-manipulator for adjusting the frame-delay. | |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image_mesaoutput< T > & | operator<< (image_mesaoutput< T > &output, const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &img) |
Stream-operator for displaying images. | |
template<typename T> | |
image_mesaoutput< T > & | operator<< (image_mesaoutput< T > &output, _wait wait) |
Stream-operator for waiting. | |
template<typename T> | |
image_mesaoutput< T > & | operator<< (image_mesaoutput< T > &output, _pause) |
Stream-operator for pausing. | |
template<typename T> | |
image_mesaoutput< T > & | operator<< (image_mesaoutput< T > &output, _delay delay) |
Stream-operator for adjusting frame-rate. | |
image_mesaoutput< unsigned char > & | operator<< (image_mesaoutput< unsigned char > &output, const const_image_ref< int > &im) |
For convencience. | |
image_mesaoutput< unsigned char > & | operator<< (image_mesaoutput< unsigned char > &output, const const_image_ref< double > &im) |
For convencience. | |
image_mesaoutput< rgba< unsigned char > > & | operator<< (image_mesaoutput< rgba< unsigned char > > &output, const const_image_ref< rgba< int > > &im) |
For convencience. | |
image_mesaoutput< rgba< unsigned char > > & | operator<< (image_mesaoutput< rgba< unsigned char > > &output, const const_image_ref< rgba< float > > &im) |
For convencience. | |
image_mesaoutput< rgba< unsigned char > > & | operator<< (image_mesaoutput< rgba< unsigned char > > &output, const const_image_ref< rgba< double > > &im) |
For convencience. | |
template<typename T, typename U> | |
image_mplayeroutput< T > & | operator<< (image_mplayeroutput< T > &output, const const_image_ref< U > &im) |
Stream-operator for displaying image with mplayer. | |
template<typename T, class F> | |
image_ref< T > & | image_apply (image_ref< T > &_img, F f) |
template<typename T1, typename T2, class F, typename T2Ptr> | |
image_ref< T1 > & | image_apply (image_ref< T1 > &a, const const_image_ref< T2, T2Ptr > &b, F f) |
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, class F, typename T2Ptr, typename T3Ptr> | |
image_ref< T1 > & | image_apply (image_ref< T1 > &a, const const_image_ref< T2, T2Ptr > &b, const const_image_ref< T3, T3Ptr > &c, F f) |
template<typename T1, typename T2, class F, typename T2Ptr> | |
image< T1 > | image_func (const const_image_ref< T2, T2Ptr > &a, F f) |
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, class F, typename T2Ptr, typename T3Ptr> | |
image< T1 > | image_func (const const_image_ref< T2, T2Ptr > &a, const const_image_ref< T3, T3Ptr > &b, F f) |
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T2Ptr> | |
image< T1 > | norm (const const_image_ref< T2, T2Ptr > &a) |
template<typename T1, typename T2> | |
image< T1 > | arg (const image< T2 > &a) |
template<typename T> | |
image< int > | fastSqr (const image< T > &a) |
template<typename T, typename T1Ptr, typename T2Ptr> | |
image< T > | __MIMASEXTERNALIMAGEFUNC (const const_image_ref< T, T1Ptr > &a, const const_image_ref< T, T2Ptr > &b) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image< T > | __MIMASEXTERNALIMAGEFUNC (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &a, const T &b) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image< T > | __MIMASEXTERNALIMAGEFUNC (const T &a, const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &b) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image_ref< T > & | __MIMASINTERNALIMAGEFUNC (image_ref< T > &a, const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &b) |
template<typename T> | |
image_ref< T > & | __MIMASINTERNALIMAGEFUNC (image_ref< T > &a, const T &b) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image_ref< T > & | __MIMASINTERNALIMAGEFUNC (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &a) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image< T > | __MIMASEXTERNALIMAGEFUNC (const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &a) |
template<typename T, typename TPtr> | |
image_output< T > & | operator<< (image_output< T > &output, const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > &image) |
Stream-operator for arbitrary output-sink. | |
template<typename T> | |
boost::numeric::ublas::vector< T > | unit (const boost::numeric::ublas::vector< T > &x) |
Compute unit vector. | |
template<typename T> | |
T | scalar_cross_product (const boost::numeric::ublas::vector< T > &a, const boost::numeric::ublas::vector< T > &b) |
Scalar cross product. | |
template<typename T> | |
angle | getAngle (const boost::numeric::ublas::vector< T > &a, const boost::numeric::ublas::vector< T > &b) |
Compute angle between two 2-dimensional vectors. | |
template<typename T> | |
boost::numeric::ublas::vector< T > | rotate (const boost::numeric::ublas::vector< T > &v, const angle &a) |
2-dimensional rotation in the mathematical direction. | |
template<typename T> | |
boost::numeric::ublas::vector< T > | crossProduct (boost::numeric::ublas::vector< T > &a, boost::numeric::ublas::vector< T > &b) |
Cross product for 3-dimensional vectors. | |
template<typename T> | |
boost::numeric::ublas::vector< T > | rodrigues (boost::numeric::ublas::vector< T > const &u, boost::numeric::ublas::vector< T > const &v, double angle) |
Rodrigues' rotation formula. | |
template<typename T> | |
double | determinant (boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > const &M) |
Determinant of a matrix using the LU factorization. | |
template<typename T> | |
boost::numeric::ublas::vector< T > | gglse (const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major > &A, const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major > &B, const boost::numeric::ublas::vector< T > &c, const boost::numeric::ublas::vector< T > &d) |
Solve the linear equality-constrained least squares (LSE) problem. | |
template<typename T> | |
boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major > | inv (const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major > &A) |
Compute matrix inverse by using LU factorization. | |
template<typename T> | |
boost::numeric::ublas::vector< T > | gels (const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major > &A, const boost::numeric::ublas::vector< T > &b) |
solve overdetermined linear systems using QR factorization. | |
template<typename T> | |
boost::numeric::ublas::banded_matrix< T > | gesvd (const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major > &A, boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major > *U, boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major > *Vt) |
Compute the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a matrix A. | |
template<typename T> | |
boost::numeric::ublas::banded_matrix< T > | gesdd (const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major > &A, boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major > *U, boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major > *Vt) |
Compute the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a matrix A (fast). | |
template<typename T> | |
boost::numeric::ublas::diagonal_matrix< T > | syev (const boost::numeric::ublas::symmetric_matrix< T, boost::numeric::ublas::upper > &A, boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major > *E) |
Compute all eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix A. | |
template<typename T> | |
boost::numeric::ublas::triangular_matrix< T, boost::numeric::ublas::upper, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major > | pptrf (const boost::numeric::ublas::symmetric_matrix< T, boost::numeric::ublas::upper, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major > &A) |
Compute the Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric matrix A. | |
template<class _Array1, class _Array2> | |
boost::multi_array< typename _Array1::element, _Array1::dimensionality > | correlate (const _Array1 &x, const _Array2 &y) |
Correlation of two multi-arrays. | |
template<typename T> | |
boost::multi_array< T, 2 > | correlate_separable (const boost::const_multi_array_ref< T, 2 > &x, const std::vector< boost::multi_array< T, 2 > > &f) |
Perform a two-dimensional separable correlation. | |
template<typename T> | |
std::vector< boost::multi_array< T, 2 > > | separate (const boost::const_multi_array_ref< T, 2 > &array) |
Separate a 2D filter. | |
template<typename T> | |
boost::multi_array< T, 2 > | correlate_separable (const boost::const_multi_array_ref< T, 2 > &x, const boost::const_multi_array_ref< T, 2 > &f) |
Fast 2D correlation with a separable 2D filter. | |
template<typename T1, typename T2, size_t NumDims, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray> | |
boost::multi_array< T1, NumDims > | empty_clone (const MultiArray< T2, NumDims > &x) |
template<typename T, class F> | |
boost::detail::multi_array::sub_array< T, 1 > | multi_apply (boost::detail::multi_array::sub_array< T, 1 > a, F f) |
template<typename T, class F, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray> | |
MultiArray< T, 1 > & | multi_apply (MultiArray< T, 1 > &a, F f) |
template<typename T, size_t NumDims, class F> | |
boost::detail::multi_array::sub_array< T, NumDims > | multi_apply (boost::detail::multi_array::sub_array< T, NumDims > a, F f) |
template<typename T, size_t NumDims, class F, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray> | |
MultiArray< T, NumDims > & | multi_apply (MultiArray< T, NumDims > &a, F f) |
template<typename T1, typename T2, class F, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray2> | |
boost::detail::multi_array::sub_array< T1, 1 > | multi_apply (boost::detail::multi_array::sub_array< T1, 1 > a, const MultiArray2< T2, 1 > &b, F f) |
template<typename T1, typename T2, class F, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray1, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray2> | |
MultiArray1< T1, 1 > & | multi_apply (MultiArray1< T1, 1 > &a, const MultiArray2< T2, 1 > &b, F f) |
template<typename T1, typename T2, size_t NumDims, class F, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray2> | |
boost::detail::multi_array::sub_array< T1, NumDims > | multi_apply (boost::detail::multi_array::sub_array< T1, NumDims > a, const MultiArray2< T2, NumDims > &b, F f) |
template<typename T1, typename T2, size_t NumDims, class F, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray1, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray2> | |
MultiArray1< T1, NumDims > & | multi_apply (MultiArray1< T1, NumDims > &a, const MultiArray2< T2, NumDims > &b, F f) |
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, class F, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray2, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray3> | |
boost::detail::multi_array::sub_array< T1, 1 > | multi_apply (boost::detail::multi_array::sub_array< T1, 1 > a, const MultiArray2< T2, 1 > &b, const MultiArray3< T3, 1 > &c, F f) |
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, class F, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray1, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray2, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray3> | |
MultiArray1< T1, 1 > & | multi_apply (MultiArray1< T1, 1 > &a, const MultiArray2< T2, 1 > &b, const MultiArray3< T3, 1 > &c, F f) |
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, size_t NumDims, class F, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray2, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray3> | |
boost::detail::multi_array::sub_array< T1, NumDims > | multi_apply (boost::detail::multi_array::sub_array< T1, NumDims > a, const MultiArray2< T2, NumDims > &b, const MultiArray3< T3, NumDims > &c, F f) |
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, size_t NumDims, class F, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray1, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray2, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray3> | |
MultiArray1< T1, NumDims > & | multi_apply (MultiArray1< T1, NumDims > &a, const MultiArray2< T2, NumDims > &b, const MultiArray3< T3, NumDims > &c, F f) |
template<typename T1, typename T2, size_t NumDims, class F, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray> | |
boost::multi_array< T1, NumDims > | multi_func (const MultiArray< T2, NumDims > &a, F f) |
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, size_t NumDims, class F, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray1, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray2> | |
boost::multi_array< T1, NumDims > | multi_func (const MultiArray1< T2, NumDims > &a, const MultiArray2< T3, NumDims > &b, F f) |
template<typename T1, typename T2, size_t NumDims, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray> | |
boost::multi_array< T1, NumDims > | multi_cast (const MultiArray< T2, NumDims > &a) |
template<typename T1, typename T2, size_t NumDims, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray> | |
boost::multi_array< T1, NumDims > | norm (const MultiArray< T2, NumDims > &a) |
template<typename T1, typename T2, size_t NumDims, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray> | |
boost::multi_array< T1, NumDims > | arg (const MultiArray< T2, NumDims > &a) |
template<typename T, size_t NumDims, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray> | |
boost::multi_array< int, NumDims > | fastSqr (const MultiArray< T, NumDims > &a) |
template<template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray1, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray2, typename T, size_t NumDims> | |
boost::multi_array< T, NumDims > | __MIMASEXTERNALARRAYFUNC (const MultiArray1< T, NumDims > &a, const MultiArray2< T, NumDims > &b) |
template<template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray, typename T, size_t NumDims> | |
boost::multi_array< T, NumDims > | __MIMASEXTERNALARRAYFUNC (const MultiArray< T, NumDims > &a, const T &b) |
template<template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray, typename T, size_t NumDims> | |
boost::multi_array< T, NumDims > | __MIMASEXTERNALARRAYFUNC (const T &a, const MultiArray< T, NumDims > &b) |
template<template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray2, typename T, size_t NumDims> | |
boost::detail::multi_array::sub_array< T, NumDims > | __MIMASINTERNALARRAYFUNC (boost::detail::multi_array::sub_array< T, NumDims > a, const MultiArray2< T, NumDims > &b) |
template<template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray1, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray2, typename T, size_t NumDims> | |
MultiArray1< T, NumDims > & | __MIMASINTERNALARRAYFUNC (MultiArray1< T, NumDims > &a, const MultiArray2< T, NumDims > &b) |
template<typename T, size_t NumDims> | |
boost::detail::multi_array::sub_array< T, NumDims > | __MIMASINTERNALARRAYFUNC (boost::detail::multi_array::sub_array< T, NumDims > a, const T &b) |
template<template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray, typename T, size_t NumDims> | |
MultiArray< T, NumDims > & | __MIMASINTERNALARRAYFUNC (MultiArray< T, NumDims > &a, const T &b) |
template<typename T, size_t NumDims, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray> | |
MultiArray< T, NumDims > & | __MIMASINTERNALARRAYFUNC (MultiArray< T, NumDims > &a) |
template<typename T, size_t NumDims, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray> | |
boost::multi_array< T, NumDims > | __MIMASEXTERNALARRAYFUNC (const MultiArray< T, NumDims > &a) |
template<typename T, size_t NumDims, template< typename, size_t > class MultiArray> | |
boost::multi_array< T, NumDims > | __MIMASEXTERNALARRAYFUNC (const MultiArray< T, NumDims > &a, const MultiArray< T, NumDims > &b) |
lmdif_t::Vector | lmdif (const lmdif_t::Vector &A, void(*fnc)(int *m, int *n, double *x, double *fvec, int *iflag), int nb, int maxfev, double tolerance=1e-7, int mode=1, int factor=1, double epsfcn=0) |
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. | |
lmdif1_t::Vector | lmdif1 (const lmdif1_t::Vector &A, void(*fnc)(int *m, int *n, double *x, double *fvec, int *iflag), int nb, double tolerance=1e-7) |
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. | |
image_mesaoutput< rgba< unsigned char > > & | operator<< (image_mesaoutput< rgba< unsigned char > > &output, const property_image &image) |
image< int > | registration (image< int > &inimage, image< int > &inimage2, reg_param *result_p=NULL, bool with_scale_and_rotation=true) |
image< int > | registration_with_canny (image< int > &inimage1, image< int > &inimage2, int lwThresh=40, int highThresh=110, float stdDev=1.2, reg_param *result_p=NULL, bool with_scale_and_rotation=true) |
Registration using edge-images. | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, xml_document &document) |
template<class T, class U> | |
xml_reference< T > | dynamic_pointer_cast (xml_reference< U > const &r) |
Conversion function for XML-wrapper objects. | |
template<class To, class From> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &target, const xml_strx< To, From > &toDump) |
Stream-operator for printing string. | |
Variables | |
const char * | image_fileoutput_fileType |
File-format of next image to be written. |
typedef boost::multi_array<double,2> mimas::Array2D |
Definition at line 26 of file hough_transform2.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr< cgh > mimas::cgh_ptr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< cgh_wrapper > mimas::cgh_wrapper_ptr |
Definition at line 10 of file cgh_wrapper.h.
typedef std::list< cgh_wrapper_ptr > mimas::cgh_wrapper_ptr_list |
Definition at line 46 of file cgh_wrapper.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr< coordinate_xform > mimas::coordinate_xform_ptr |
Definition at line 43 of file coordinate_xform.h.
typedef std::list< coordinate_xform_ptr > mimas::coordinate_xform_ptr_list |
Definition at line 44 of file coordinate_xform.h.
typedef property_image mimas::corner_image |
Definition at line 70 of file property_image.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr< corner > mimas::corner_ptr |
typedef property_image mimas::edge_image |
Definition at line 69 of file property_image.h.
typedef string_el_ptr_list mimas::edge_string |
Set of edge-points.
An edge string is a set of edge points that are contiguous on the image plane. canny_tool::findEdgeStrings
returns a set of strings rather than an image with edge points. So for example if you have a black square on a white background and you extract the edges, you will probably receive 1 edge string back which will be a linked list of all the edges going around the square.
Definition at line 30 of file edge_string.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr< edge_string > mimas::edge_string_ptr |
Definition at line 32 of file edge_string.h.
typedef std::list< edge_string_ptr > mimas::edge_string_ptr_list |
Definition at line 34 of file edge_string.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr< edgel > mimas::edgel_ptr |
Definition at line 71 of file property_image.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr< line > mimas::line_ptr |
typedef std::list< line_ptr > mimas::line_ptr_list |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< line_ptr_list > mimas::line_ptr_list_ptr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< object_instance_list > mimas::object_instance_list_ptr |
Definition at line 69 of file object_instance_list.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr< object > mimas::object_ptr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< pgh_2dobject > mimas::pgh_2dobject_ptr |
Definition at line 169 of file pgh_2dobject.h.
typedef std::list< pgh_2dobject_ptr > mimas::pgh_2dobject_ptr_list |
Definition at line 171 of file pgh_2dobject.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr< pgh > mimas::pgh_ptr |
typedef std::list< pgh_ptr > mimas::pgh_ptr_list |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< pol_line_info > mimas::pol_line_info_ptr |
Definition at line 36 of file pol_model.h.
typedef std::list< pol_line_info_ptr > mimas::pol_line_info_ptr_list |
Definition at line 37 of file pol_model.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr< pol_match > mimas::pol_match_ptr |
Definition at line 52 of file pol_match.h.
typedef std::list< pol_match_ptr > mimas::pol_match_ptr_list |
Definition at line 55 of file pol_match.h.
typedef std::list< poss_centroid * > mimas::poss_centroid_list |
Definition at line 137 of file pol_locator_gen.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr< prop > mimas::prop_ptr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< string_el > mimas::string_el_ptr |
Definition at line 25 of file string_el.h.
typedef std::list< boost::shared_ptr< string_el > > mimas::string_el_ptr_list |
Definition at line 31 of file string_el.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr< timer > mimas::timer_ptr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< x11_display > mimas::x11_display_ptr |
Definition at line 71 of file x11_display.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr< x11_window > mimas::x11_window_ptr |
Definition at line 75 of file x11_window.h.
enum mimas::angle_type |
enum mimas::connect_type |
enum mimas::pgh_type |
image< T > mimas::bilevel | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | im, | |
T | threshval, | |||
T | val1, | |||
T | val2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 123 of file image_funcs.h.
image< T > mimas::bilevel_double | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | im, | |
T | min, | |||
T | max, | |||
T | val1, | |||
T | val2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 157 of file image_funcs.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::rawData().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image_ref< T >& mimas::bilevel_doubleIt | ( | image_ref< T > & | im, | |
T | min, | |||
T | max, | |||
T | val1, | |||
T | val2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 148 of file image_funcs.h.
References image_apply().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image_ref< T >& mimas::bilevelIt | ( | image_ref< T > & | im, | |
T | threshval, | |||
T | val1, | |||
T | val2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 112 of file image_funcs.h.
References image_apply().
Referenced by edgeLoG().
Here is the call graph for this function:
void mimas::chamfer | ( | image_ref< T > & | inimage | ) |
Definition at line 509 of file image_funcs.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, T * >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, T * >::getWidth(), and mimas::image_ref< T >::pixel().
Referenced by multiLevelCorrelation(), and rotationChamferCorrelationEdgeMap().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image< T > mimas::correlate | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | x, | |
const const_image_ref< T, UPtr > & | y | |||
) | [inline] |
Correlation of two images.
This method provides correlation of two images. The resulting image will have the same size as the input-image x
. Elements outside of the image-boundaries are assumed to be zero.
The algorithm is intented to be used for convoluting an image with a small filter. If the filter is very big, it may be more efficient, to perform the correlation in fourier-space.
x | First array. | |
y | Second array. |
Definition at line 24 of file image_conv.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, T * >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, T * >::getWidth(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getWidth(), mimas::image< T >::init(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::rawData(), and mimas::image_ref< T >::rawData().
Referenced by correlate_separable(), edgeLaplacian(), edgeLoG(), emboss(), featureEnhance(), focusEnhance(), gradSobelX(), gradSobelY(), softenHeavy(), softenLight(), and softenMedium().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image< T > mimas::correlate_separable | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | x, | |
const const_image_ref< T, UPtr > & | f | |||
) |
Definition at line 41 of file image_conv.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::rawData().
Here is the call graph for this function:
void mimas::correlation | ( | const const_image_ref< T > & | imagein, | |
const const_image_ref< T > & | templatein, | |||
int & | x, | |||
int & | y, | |||
float & | corrval | |||
) |
Definition at line 689 of file image_funcs.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getWidth(), and mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::pixel().
Here is the call graph for this function:
void mimas::correlationChamfer | ( | const const_image_ref< T, T1Ptr > & | imagein, | |
const const_image_ref< T, T2Ptr > & | templatein, | |||
int & | x, | |||
int & | y, | |||
float & | corrval | |||
) |
Definition at line 731 of file image_funcs.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getWidth(), and mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::pixel().
Referenced by rotationChamferCorrelationEdgeMap().
Here is the call graph for this function:
void mimas::despeckleKuwahara | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | imagein, | |
image< U > & | imageout | |||
) |
Definition at line 165 of file image_funcs.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getWidth(), mimas::image< T >::init(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::pixel(), and mimas::image_ref< T >::pixel().
Referenced by despeckleKuwaharaIt().
Here is the call graph for this function:
void mimas::despeckleKuwaharaIt | ( | image_ref< T > & | imagein | ) |
Definition at line 227 of file image_funcs.h.
References despeckleKuwahara().
Here is the call graph for this function:
void mimas::despeckleMedian | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | imagein, | |
image< T > & | imageout | |||
) |
Definition at line 466 of file image_funcs.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getWidth(), mimas::image< T >::init(), mimas::image_ref< T >::pixel(), and mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::pixel().
Referenced by despeckleMedianIt().
Here is the call graph for this function:
void mimas::despeckleMedianIt | ( | image_ref< T > & | imagein | ) |
Definition at line 499 of file image_funcs.h.
References despeckleMedian().
Here is the call graph for this function:
void mimas::displayWithOverlay | ( | image_output< rgba< unsigned char > > & | display, | |
const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | im, | |||
const property_image & | pim | |||
) |
Definition at line 928 of file image_funcs.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getWidth(), mimas::image< T >::init(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::pixel(), and mimas::image_ref< T >::pixel().
Here is the call graph for this function:
double mimas::dotProduct | ( | const const_image_ref< T, T1Ptr > & | im1, | |
const const_image_ref< T, T2Ptr > & | im2 | |||
) | throw (mimasexception) |
Definition at line 959 of file image_funcs.h.
References MMERROR.
Referenced by mimas::cgh_scene< T >::crossCompare().
void mimas::drawBox | ( | image_ref< T > & | image, | |
int | x1, | |||
int | y1, | |||
int | x2, | |||
int | y2, | |||
T | colour = T() | |||
) |
Definition at line 61 of file image_draw.h.
References drawLine().
Here is the call graph for this function:
void mimas::drawLine | ( | image_ref< T > & | image, | |
int | x1, | |||
int | y1, | |||
int | x2, | |||
int | y2, | |||
T | colour = T() | |||
) |
Definition at line 11 of file image_draw.h.
References mimas::image_ref< T >::setPixel(), and sgn.
Referenced by mimas::find_line< ImageIteratorSource >::displayLine(), mimas::edgel::draw(), drawBox(), mimas::lsystem::drawLsystem(), mimas::canny< T >::getEdges(), rotationChamferCorrelationEdgeMap(), and mimas::activeContour< T >::showPolygonOnImage().
Here is the call graph for this function:
void mimas::drawThickLine | ( | image_ref< T > & | image, | |
int | x1, | |||
int | y1, | |||
int | x2, | |||
int | y2, | |||
T | colour, | |||
int | width | |||
) |
Definition at line 70 of file image_draw.h.
References mimas::image_ref< T >::setPixel(), and sgn.
Referenced by mimas::activeContour< T >::showPolygonOnImage().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image< T > mimas::edgeHaynesJain | ( | const const_image_ref< T, T1Ptr > & | imagein1, | |
const const_image_ref< T, T2Ptr > & | imagein2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 381 of file image_funcs.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getWidth(), and MMERROR.
Here is the call graph for this function:
image< T > mimas::edgeLaplacian | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | im | ) |
Definition at line 321 of file image_funcs.h.
References correlate().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image< T > mimas::edgeLoG | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | imagein | ) |
Laplacian of Gaussian filter.
Definition at line 333 of file image_funcs.h.
References bilevelIt(), correlate(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getWidth(), mimas::image< T >::init(), and mimas::image_ref< T >::pixel().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image< T > mimas::edgeSobelNorm | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | im | ) |
Definition at line 273 of file image_funcs.h.
References edgeSobelSqr().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image< T > mimas::edgeSobelSqr | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | im | ) |
Definition at line 264 of file image_funcs.h.
References gradSobelX(), and gradSobelY().
Referenced by edgeSobelNorm().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image< T > mimas::emboss | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | im | ) |
Definition at line 832 of file image_funcs.h.
References correlate(), and normalise().
Here is the call graph for this function:
void mimas::equaliseIt | ( | image_ref< T > & | imagein | ) |
Definition at line 80 of file image_funcs.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, T * >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, T * >::getWidth(), and mimas::image_ref< T >::pixel().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image< T > mimas::featureEnhance | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | im | ) |
Definition at line 822 of file image_funcs.h.
References correlate(), and normalise().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image< T > mimas::focusEnhance | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | im | ) |
Definition at line 812 of file image_funcs.h.
References correlate(), and normalise().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image< T > mimas::gradSobelX | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | im | ) |
Definition at line 237 of file image_funcs.h.
References correlate().
Referenced by edgeSobelSqr().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image< T > mimas::gradSobelY | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | im | ) |
Definition at line 251 of file image_funcs.h.
References correlate().
Referenced by edgeSobelSqr().
Here is the call graph for this function:
void mimas::halfResolution | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | imagein, | |
image_ref< U > & | imageout | |||
) |
Definition at line 395 of file image_funcs.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getWidth(), mimas::image_ref< T >::pixel(), and mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::pixel().
Referenced by halfResolutionIt().
Here is the call graph for this function:
void mimas::halfResolutionEdgePyramid | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | imagein, | |
image< U > & | imageout | |||
) |
Definition at line 432 of file image_funcs.h.
References mimas::image_ref< T >::fill(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getPixel(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getWidth(), mimas::image< T >::init(), and mimas::image_ref< T >::pixel().
Referenced by halfResolutionEdgePyramidIt(), and multiLevelCorrelation().
Here is the call graph for this function:
void mimas::halfResolutionEdgePyramidIt | ( | image_ref< T > & | imagein | ) |
Definition at line 455 of file image_funcs.h.
References halfResolutionEdgePyramid().
Here is the call graph for this function:
void mimas::halfResolutionIt | ( | image_ref< T > & | imagein | ) |
Definition at line 420 of file image_funcs.h.
References halfResolution().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image_ref< T1 >& mimas::image_apply | ( | image_ref< T1 > & | a, | |
const const_image_ref< T2, T2Ptr > & | b, | |||
const const_image_ref< T3, T3Ptr > & | c, | |||
F | f | |||
) |
Definition at line 64 of file image_op.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, T * >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getWidth(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, T * >::getWidth(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::initialised(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, T * >::initialised(), multi_apply(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::rawData(), and mimas::image_ref< T >::rawData().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image_ref< T1 >& mimas::image_apply | ( | image_ref< T1 > & | a, | |
const const_image_ref< T2, T2Ptr > & | b, | |||
F | f | |||
) |
Definition at line 46 of file image_op.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, T * >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getWidth(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, T * >::getWidth(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::initialised(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, T * >::initialised(), multi_apply(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::rawData(), and mimas::image_ref< T >::rawData().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image_ref< T >& mimas::image_apply | ( | image_ref< T > & | _img, | |
F | f | |||
) |
Definition at line 30 of file image_op.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, T * >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, T * >::getWidth(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, T * >::initialised(), multi_apply(), and mimas::image_ref< T >::rawData().
Referenced by __MIMASINTERNALIMAGEFUNC(), bilevel_doubleIt(), bilevelIt(), image_func(), normaliseIt(), and thresholdIt().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image< T1 > mimas::image_func | ( | const const_image_ref< T2, T2Ptr > & | a, | |
const const_image_ref< T3, T3Ptr > & | b, | |||
F | f | |||
) |
Definition at line 95 of file image_op.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getWidth(), image_apply(), and mimas::image< T >::init().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image< T1 > mimas::image_func | ( | const const_image_ref< T2, T2Ptr > & | a, | |
F | f | |||
) |
Definition at line 84 of file image_op.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getWidth(), image_apply(), and mimas::image< T >::init().
Here is the call graph for this function:
T mimas::max_val | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | image | ) |
Definition at line 46 of file image_funcs.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getWidth(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::initialised(), and mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::rawData().
Referenced by normalise(), and normaliseIt().
Here is the call graph for this function:
T mimas::min_val | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | image | ) |
Definition at line 33 of file image_funcs.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getWidth(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::initialised(), and mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::rawData().
Referenced by normalise(), and normaliseIt().
Here is the call graph for this function:
void mimas::multiLevelCorrelation | ( | const const_image_ref< T, T1Ptr > & | edgemap, | |
const const_image_ref< T, T2Ptr > & | objectedgemap, | |||
int | levels, | |||
int & | x, | |||
int & | y, | |||
float & | corrval, | |||
bool | chamferObject | |||
) |
Definition at line 597 of file image_funcs.h.
References chamfer(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, T * >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, T * >::getWidth(), and halfResolutionEdgePyramid().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image< bool > mimas::nonMaximaSuppression | ( | const const_image_ref< T1, TAPtr > & | gradientX, | |
const const_image_ref< T1, TBPtr > & | gradientY, | |||
const const_image_ref< T2, TCPtr > & | gradientSqr, | |||
T2 | threshold | |||
) |
Fast non-maxima suppression.
This function provides fast non-maxima suppression. The function is provided separately, so that one can use the Sobel-operator as well as the Gauss-gradient together with this method.
Referenced by mimas::canny_tool< T >::findEdgeStrings().
image< T > mimas::normalise | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | im, | |
const T & | val1, | |||
const T & | val2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 68 of file image_funcs.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::initialised(), max_val(), and min_val().
Referenced by emboss(), featureEnhance(), focusEnhance(), softenHeavy(), softenLight(), and softenMedium().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image_ref< T >& mimas::normaliseIt | ( | image_ref< T > & | im, | |
const T & | val1, | |||
const T & | val2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 59 of file image_funcs.h.
References image_apply(), max_val(), and min_val().
Here is the call graph for this function:
void mimas::oilPainting | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | imagein, | |
image< T > & | imageout, | |||
int | regiondim | |||
) |
Definition at line 874 of file image_funcs.h.
References mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getWidth(), mimas::image< T >::init(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::pixel(), and mimas::image_ref< T >::pixel().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image_mesaoutput< rgba< unsigned char > >& mimas::operator<< | ( | image_mesaoutput< rgba< unsigned char > > & | output, | |
const property_image & | image | |||
) |
ostream & mimas::operator<< | ( | ostream & | output, | |
const data< T > & | outdata | |||
) |
void mimas::paethRotateRadian | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | imagein, | |
image< T > & | imageout, | |||
float | radian | |||
) |
Definition at line 563 of file image_funcs.h.
References mimas::image_ref< T >::fill(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, T * >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getHeight(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getPixel(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, T * >::getWidth(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::getWidth(), mimas::image< T >::init(), and mimas::image_ref< T >::pixel().
Referenced by rotationChamferCorrelationEdgeMap().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image<int> mimas::registration | ( | image< int > & | inimage, | |
image< int > & | inimage2, | |||
reg_param * | result_p = NULL , |
bool | with_scale_and_rotation = true | |||
) |
image<int> mimas::registration_with_canny | ( | image< int > & | inimage1, | |
image< int > & | inimage2, | |||
int | lwThresh = 40 , |
int | highThresh = 110 , |
float | stdDev = 1.2 , |
reg_param * | result_p = NULL , |
bool | with_scale_and_rotation = true | |||
) |
Registration using edge-images.
When the images have little texture this method may succed better to register both images. It adds edge features to both images thus increasing texture and likelyhood of success of the registration.
void mimas::rotationChamferCorrelationEdgeMap | ( | image< T > & | edgemap, | |
image< T > & | objectedgemap, | |||
int | angle1, | |||
int | angle2, | |||
int | anglestep, | |||
int & | x, | |||
int & | y, | |||
int & | outangle, | |||
float & | corrval | |||
) |
Definition at line 773 of file image_funcs.h.
References chamfer(), correlationChamfer(), drawLine(), mimas::const_image_ref< T, T * >::getHeight(), and paethRotateRadian().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image< T > mimas::softenHeavy | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | im | ) |
Definition at line 842 of file image_funcs.h.
References correlate(), and normalise().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image< T > mimas::softenLight | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | im | ) |
Definition at line 864 of file image_funcs.h.
References correlate(), and normalise().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image< T > mimas::softenMedium | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | im | ) |
Definition at line 854 of file image_funcs.h.
References correlate(), and normalise().
Here is the call graph for this function:
image< T > mimas::threshold | ( | const const_image_ref< T, TPtr > & | im, | |
T | threshval | |||
) |
Definition at line 141 of file image_funcs.h.
Referenced by mimas::filter< T >::nonMaximaSuppression().
image_ref< T >& mimas::thresholdIt | ( | image_ref< T > & | im, | |
T | threshval | |||
) |
Definition at line 132 of file image_funcs.h.
References image_apply().
Here is the call graph for this function: