Maps for Mobile Phones

From MMVLWiki

Weybridge/UK example map
Weybridge/UK example map
NYC subway map
NYC subway map
Political world map
Political world map
Political world map
Political world map
Sheffield Supertram map
Sheffield Supertram map
Public transportation in Munich
Public transportation in Munich
Mobile streetmap of Cambridge (multiresolution)
Mobile streetmap of Cambridge (multiresolution)
An image created by NASA's Visible Earth project (
An image created by NASA's Visible Earth project (
Mobile streetmap of Weybridge (multiresolution)
Mobile streetmap of Weybridge (multiresolution)
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Maps for J2ME mobile phones

You can download some interactive maps for mobile phones with J2ME/MIDP (Java 2 Micro Edition) as JAR ( files. If you want to download the file using GPRS ( you have to use the link to the JAD file instead. Please refer to your mobile-phone's manual on how to install Java programs. E-mail me, if you find a bug in the software.

The size of each software package is mentioned. Note, that temporarily you will need twice as much memory on your mobile, because the JAR-file will only be deleted after installation. You can put comments and submit ratings at (

If you want to compile or emulate the software on your PC, you need to download the Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) Wireless Toolkit (

Weybridge example map

The map was taken from ( (License: GFDL (

  • MobiNav.jar ( (191 kByte) Java archive
  • MobiNav.jad ( description file
  • MobiNav.tar.gz ( (176 kByte) source code and map-tiles (license: GPL (
  • splitmap.rb ( (638 bytes) source code of Ruby script for splitting up an input file into map-tiles (requires HornetsEye)

Note, that for creating map-tiles yourself you need to provide maps for several resolutions (multiresolution pyramid). If you don't have a multiresolution map, you need to scale the input image down to 50% multiple times. You can use the command-line tool convert which is part of ImageMagick ( to do this:

convert map.png -scale 50%% map2.png
convert map2.png -scale 50%% map3.png
convert map3.png -scale 50%% map4.png
convert map4.png -scale 50%% map5.png
convert map5.png -scale 50%% map6.png

Note that each dimension of the last pyramid level (here: map6.png) must not be bigger than the tile size (here: 128)! Afterwards you can create the tiles using the Ruby script splitmap.rb (

./splitmap.rb map.png 128 5
./splitmap.rb map2.png 128 4
./splitmap.rb map3.png 128 3
./splitmap.rb map4.png 128 2
./splitmap.rb map5.png 128 1
./splitmap.rb map6.png 128 0

It is also recommended to compress the resulting map tiles by reducing the number of colours (no dithering!). To do this move the map-tiles into an empty directory and compress the map tiles as follows:

mkdir targets
for i in *.png; do convert $i -depth 8 -colors 32 +dither target/$i; done

Political world map

The map was taken from the The World Factbook ( (License: public domain).

  • WorldMap.jar ( (1370 kByte)
  • WorldMap.jad (

Visible Earth

The picture was taken from the Visible Earth project ( (License: public domain).

  • VEarth.jar ( (1314 kByte)
  • VEarth.jad (

Munich public transportation map

The map was taken from ( (License: GFDL (

New York City Subway Map

This NYC subway map originated from ( (License: public domain).

  • NYCSub.jar ( (1657 kByte)
  • NYCSub.jad (

Sheffield Supertram map

The map was taken from ( (License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Canada (

  • Supertram.jar ( (67 kByte)
  • Supertram.jad (

Cambridge multiresolution map

Thanks to the work of the OpenStreetMap ( community it is now possible to create free multiresolution streetmaps for mobile phones! Free multiresolution maps is a valuable addition to the worlds inventory of free data. The data is subject to the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike License v. 2.0 (

  • Cambridge.jar ( (1663 kByte)
  • Cambridge.jad (

Weybridge multiresolution map

Now there also is a free multiresolution streetmap of Weybridge for J2ME mobile phones. The data is provided by the OpenStreetMap ( community and subject to the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike License v. 2.0 (

  • Weybridge.jar ( (1966 kByte)
  • Weybridge.jad (

Further ideas

  • Sky atlas
  • Lunar atlas

External Links

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