Just-in-time compiler
From MMVLWiki
The Ruby-extension version 0.33 of HornetsEye makes use of libjit (http://dotgnu.org/libjit-doc/libjit.html). This means that you can even define and compile methods during runtime. Here is a 46 MByte video demonstrating this capability. I recommend to watch the OGG video (http://vision.eng.shu.ac.uk/jan/jitdemo.ogv) instead of the Shockwave video. It is of much higher quality.
# Load colour image. img = MultiArray.load_rgb24( "/home/engjw/Documents/pictures/miraculix.jpg" ) # Display the image. img.show # Convert the image to grey-level floating point. gimg = img.to_sfloat # Display grey-level image. gimg.show # Downsample the image with a sampling-rate of 2 in each direction and a sampling-offset of 1. limg = gimg.downsample( [ 2, 2 ], [ 1, 1 ] ) # Display low-resolution image. limg.show # Apply element-wise function to each pixel of the image. limg.collect { |x| x * x } # Display processed image. ( limg.collect { |x| x * x } ).show # Display range of values. ( limg.collect { |x| x * x } ).range # Display range after normalisation. ( limg.collect { |x| x * x } ).normalise.range # Display normalised result. ( limg.collect { |x| x * x } ).normalise.show # Show data as one-dimensional array. limg.data # Define an element-wise function for one-dimensional arrays. Sequence.define_unary_op( :sqr ) { |x| x * x } # Reuse this function for multidimensional arrays. MultiArray.define_unary_op( :sqr ) # Call the function. limg.sqr # Measure time of operation. t = Time.new.to_f; limg.sqr; Time.new.to_f - t # Example function using libJIT. fun = JITFunction.compile( JITType::LINT, JITType::LINT ) do |f| ( JITTerm.param( f, 0 ) * JITTerm.const( f, JITType::LINT, 2 ) ).return_me end # Calling the function. fun.call( 2 ) # Define element-wise operation using JIT. Sequence.define_unary_jit_op( :sqr ) { |x| x * x } # Measure time of operation now. t = Time.new.to_f; limg.sqr; Time.new.to_f - t # Apply function and display result. gimg.sqr.normalise.show # Apply function twice and display result. gimg.sqr.sqr.normalise.show # Define a small filter. f = MultiArray.to_multiarray( [ [ -1, 0, 1 ], [ -2, 0, 2 ], [ -1, 0, 1 ] ] ) # Correlate with this filter (slow). limg.correlate( f ) # Correlate with filter using native datatypes to facilitate the JIT-based implementation. limg.correlate( f.to_sint ) # Sobel-X operator. gimg.sobel_x # Display Sobel-X and Sobel-Y image. gimg.sobel_x.normalise.show gimg.sobel_y.normalise.show # Define an edge detector. class MultiArray def edges Math.sqrt( sobel_x.sqr + sobel_y.sqr ) end end # Compute edges. gimg.edges # Display edges. gimg.edges.normalise.show # Display edges black-on-white. ( 255 - gimg.edges.normalise ).show # Same but more efficient. gimg.edges.normalise( 255..0 ).show
See Also
External Links
JIT library (http://dotgnu.org/libjit-doc/libjit.html)