mimas::_abs< T > | Absolute value |
mimas::_arg< T1, T2 > | The argument of a complex value |
mimas::_bilevel< T > | Convert boolean-pixel to bilevel-pixel |
mimas::_bilevel_double< T > | Thresholding function with 2 levels |
mimas::_conj< T > | Complex conjugate |
mimas::_delay | |
mimas::_fastsqr< T > | Fast square |
mimas::_format | |
mimas::_log< T > | Compute logarithm |
mimas::_multi_help1< T1, T2, F > | |
mimas::_multi_help2< T1, T2, T3, F > | |
mimas::_norm< T1, T2 > | Take norm of a real or complex value |
mimas::_normalise< T > | Linear companding function |
mimas::_orientation< T > | Compute angle |
mimas::_pause | |
mimas::_sqr< T > | Square |
mimas::_sqrt< T > | Square root |
mimas::_sumsquares< T > | Compute sum of squares |
mimas::_threshold< T > | Thresholding function |
mimas::_tobinary< T > | Thresholding function |
mimas::_wait | |
mimas::activeContour< T > | |
mimas::hf::analyse_result_blob< Hypothesis_T, Pixel_T > | An analyse result policy for the hypothesis filter |
mimas::hf::analyse_result_blob< Hypothesis_T, Pixel_T >::set | To store the parameters of the constructor of analyse_result_blob |
mimas::hf::analyse_result_mean< Hypothesis_T, Pixel_T > | An analyse result policy for the hypothesis filter |
mimas::hf::analyse_result_mean< Hypothesis_T, Pixel_T >::set | To store the parameters of the constructor of analyse_result_blob |
Analyse_result_T | |
mimas::angle | Angle class |
mimas::bg_subtract< T > | |
mimas::binmorph_tool | Morphology tool for binary images |
mimas::camera_calibration::Camera | This class represents a camera, and provides some functions to calibrate it |
mimas::canny< T > | |
mimas::canny_tool< T > | Canny edge extraction tool |
mimas::Cartesian< T > | |
mimas::cgh | Cornerwise geometric histrograms |
mimas::cgh_scene< T > | Use this class for generating multiple cornerwise histograms from a given input image (scene) |
mimas::cgh_wrapper | Wrapper class for each cgh extracted from an image |
mimas::chamfer_match | Chamfer_match |
mimas::camera_calibration::Chessboard | This class reprents the picture of a chessboard, and the links between the object and the image |
mimas::colour_properties_tool< T > | Interpolation/extrapolation method for controlling image properties for more details see: http://www.sgi.com/grafica/interp/index.html |
Compensate_P | |
mimas::hf::condensation< Hypothesis_T > | Picking policy |
mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr > | Wrapper for read-only access of image-data |
mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::const_iterator | |
mimas::const_image_ref< T, TPtr >::const_iterator::MoveY | |
mimas::coordinate_xform | |
mimas::corner | Another image property |
mimas::camera_calibration::corner_detection | Class to find the corners of the chessboard accurately using a template algorithm |
mimas::corner_tool< T > | Corner extraction tool |
mimas::corrcoef< Arg1, Arg2 > | Compute correlation-value of set of value-tupples |
mimas::correlate_square_region< T, Corr > | |
mimas::hf::correlation_observer2D< Hypothesis_T, Pixel_T > | Performs a cross-correlation product on a part of the current image and a kernel image |
mimas::hf::correlation_observer2D< Hypothesis_T, Pixel_T >::set | |
mimas::correlation_tracking_tool< T, C > | Correlation based tracking of gray-level images and templates The correlation-type C must be an object of class binary_function with back insertion sequences as first and second parameter and double as return value |
mimas::data< T > | Data class This class is able to read and write to data files |
Dice | Random routines |
mimas::dist2D | To represent a displacement in an image |
mimas::edge_string_op | |
mimas::edgel | < edgel is a kind of image property |
ErrorHandler | |
mimas::fft_t< Real, Dim, TPtr > | Discrete fourier transform using fftw |
mimas::filter< T > | |
mimas::find_line< ImageIteratorSource > | Line finding using the Hough transform |
mimas::findPipette | |
mimas::gels_t< T > | Function-object for gels |
mimas::gesdd_t< T > | Function-wrapper for gesdd |
mimas::gesvd_t< T > | Function-object for gesvd |
mimas::gglse_t< T > | Function-object for gglse |
mimas::gnuplot | |
mimas::hough_transform | Hough transformation |
mimas::hf::hypothesis | Interface class of an hypothesis |
mimas::hf::hypothesis2D | 2-D location of an object |
mimas::hf::hypothesis3D | Hold the 3-D parameters of an object location |
mimas::hf::hypothesis_filter< image_loader_P, Observer_P, Analyse_result_T, Hypothesis_T, Picking_P, Compensate_P, Pixel_T > | The host class, center of the hypothesis filter architecture |
mimas::hf::hypothesis_filter_data< Hypothesis_T, Pixel_T > | Contains the data shared by the different policies of hypothesis filter |
mimas::image< T > | Template class for images |
mimas::image_dc1394input< T > | Image input from firewire digital camera (video1394) |
mimas::image_fileinput< T > | Class for reading an image from a stream |
mimas::image_fileoutput< T > | Sink for writing an image to a file |
mimas::image_filesinput< T > | Class for reading a set of image-files |
mimas::image_gstreamerinput< T > | Class for reading image from gstreamer-input |
mimas::image_input< T > | Abstract base-class for input sources |
mimas::hf::image_loader< T > | A policy (ref Modern C++ Design Andrei Alexandrescu) for hypothesis_filter that will take care to load a sequence of images if the image names of the sequence follows the naming convention base_nameXXXX.png, X being a digit |
mimas::hf::image_loader< T >::set | This class is used to pass the parametres to the image class loader |
image_loader_P | |
mimas::image_mesaoutput< T > | Display images using Xlib and OpenGL |
mimas::image_mesaoutput< T >::image_window | |
mimas::image_mplayeroutput< T > | Display tool that sits over Mplayer |
mimas::image_output< T > | Abstract base-class for output sinks |
mimas::image_ref< T > | Wrapper to access image-data |
mimas::image_ref< T >::iterator | Iterator implementation of iterator for images as described in the paper STL-style generic programming with images by Ullrich Kothe |
mimas::image_ref< T >::iterator::MoveY | |
mimas::image_v4linput< T > | Class for reading images from a video4linux device |
mimas::image_xineinput< T > | Class for reading images from a media resource location |
mimas::inv_t< T > | Function-object for inv |
mimas::invfft_t< Real, Dim, TPtr > | Inverse discrete fourier transform using fftw |
mimas::invrfft_t< Real, Dim, TPtr > | Inverse discrete fourier transform of symmetric complex array using fftw |
mimas::knn | |
mimas::line | Updated by stu 20030228 |
mimas::lmdif1_t | Function-object for lmdif1 |
mimas::lmdif_t | Function-object for lmdif |
mimas::lsystem | L-Systems |
mimas::mesa_base | Abstract base class for mesa-functionality |
mimas::mesa_offscreen< T > | Mesa off-screen rendering |
mimas::mesa_onscreen | Mesa on-screen rendering |
mimas::mimasexception | Exception class deriving from std::exception |
mimas::mm_erf | |
mimas::moments_tool | Computation of image moments and Hu invariant moments |
mimas::nn_assoc | Associative neural network using Hebb rule |
mimas::nn_hebbian | Hebbian networks |
mimas::nn_mlp_tool | Multi-layered perceptron (MLP) tool |
mimas::hf::no_compensation< Hypothesis_T > | Default compensation policy |
mimas::object | Common base class for most mimas objects |
mimas::object_instance_list | A little bit confusing |
Observer_P | |
mimas::opticflow_diff_tool | Differential optic flow - see page 196-197 of Trucco and Verri |
mimas::hf::p_condensation< Hypothesis_T > | Picking policy |
mimas::pca_tool | Principal component analysis (PCA) tool class |
mimas::pgh | Pairwise geometric histograms |
mimas::pgh_2dobject | Pairwise model representation |
mimas::pgh_scene | Representing a visual scene (IE a camera image) as a pgh model so that comparison can be made between the scene and the known models |
Picking_P | |
mimas::pixel | A pixel |
mimas::pixel_f | A double-precision pixel |
mimas::point | A int point |
mimas::point_f | A float point |
mimas::pol | Pairs Of Lines tool |
mimas::pol_angle | Atomic element of hough transform |
mimas::pol_line_info | Part of the pairs of lines tool |
mimas::pol_locator | Abstract base class for the locating matches with POLs stueymeikle 20021214 |
mimas::pol_locator_gen | |
mimas::pol_locator_hough | The pol locator class |
mimas::pol_locator_scale | |
mimas::pol_match | Simple structure used to store the found models in the scene (the matches!) |
mimas::pol_model | Pairs of lines model |
mimas::pol_scale_info | Adding scale invariant recognition capabilities to the POL stuff |
mimas::pol_scene | Pairs of lines scene |
mimas::poss_centroid | |
mimas::pptrf_t< T > | Function-object for pptrf |
mimas::prop | An property_image is an image where every pixel is an prop |
mimas::property_image | |
mimas::pyramid_tool | Pyramid tool for creating Gaussian and Laplacian pyramids |
mimas::reg_param | Class denoting shift, rotation and scale |
mimas::registration_parameters | The executable in 'registration' takes the two test images in parameters and the size of the square area two be used for registration |
mimas::rfft_t< Real, Dim, TPtr > | Discrete fourier transform of real values using fftw |
mimas::rgba< T > | |
mimas::segment< T > | A segment (made of 2 points) |
mimas::segment_hashmap_tool | |
mimas::segment_sct_tool | Colour image segmentation using the Spherical Coordinate Transform (SCT) |
mimas::slap_tool | < A tool. Not derived from anything |
binary_function | |
exception | |
unary_function | |
mimas::stereo< T > | |
mimas::string_el | Private classes used only for string creation |
mimas::strong_features_tool | |
mimas::svd_correspondence< InputIter1, SimilarityMeasure > | Correspondence by Singular Value Decomposition |
mimas::syev_t< T > | Function-wrapper for syev |
mimas::timer | Class for measuring time |
mimas::vectorfield< Tensor > | Precomputed tensor |
mimas::warp< Tensor, T > | Image to image transform |
mimas::x11_display | Wrapper for X11-display |
mimas::x11_window | Class for opening X11 windows |
mimas::xml_document | Class for parsing XML documents |
mimas::xml_errorhandler | Error handler for interfacing with Xalan-library |
mimas::xml_node_reference_list | Wrapper for list of XML-nodes |
mimas::xml_reference< T > | Wrapper for XML-Nodes |
mimas::xml_strx< To, From > | Conversion to and from unicode |